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Reflections of an Afrikan


Reflections of an Afrikan

It is a bastard that points at his father’s house with his left hand.

An Afrikan Proverb

This basically means that when you undermine your father’s house, your community, your nation, your continent of Afrika, or you don’t  pay attention to how to strengthen it, or you disdain it, you are lost. Lots of things to talk about concerning this proverb, but let me just narrow it down to what’s happening right now concerning the issue of Covid-19. For years, our Afrikan politicians and governments have refused to build good hospitals, create health systems that work; acting like those who have no regard for the Afrikan reality,  not caring much about the lives of the people that they claim to serve, simply because they have the money to travel in private jets to get medical attention in foreign lands. But now that Covid-19 showed up and their favorite medical destinations are on shutdown, they have to live with the reality of the very hospitals and health systems that they refused to put in place. This has been the Afrikan health system narrative for years and this is how the African wealth has been wasted over the years with little or no real benefits for the masses.

The truth however is this, we all are guilty somehow in different capacities, for we love foreign fantasies at the expense of strengthening our Afrikan heritage, which is rich and full of life. We see foreign things as superior while we call ours inferior. We only seem to respond to the cries of the poor masses when it is a general emergency that puts both the rich and the poor in danger. Case study Covid-19. Now you see the supposed big boys in Afrika donating money to their communities and governments to fight Corona virus. It is a good thing, don’t get me wrong, but why do we need a virus that we don’t see to show us how to take care of our home that we see daily?  We would have averted the deaths we are seeing now if we had put in place quality medical facilities, got our health care systems working properly just as a normal society should. Also, I think it’s time we really get back to our Afrikan indigenous health system that uses natural and organic materials for wellness instead death causing chemicals.

See Also

However, I do hope after this crisis, we all would have learnt the truth about life, love, compassion, the beauty of being Afrikans, and put accurate natural medicine systems in place or else we will just be like those who point at their fathers’ houses with their left hands.

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