What are we really chasing?

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
I sometimes watch movies when I am not seriously writing, designing this magazine, walking or doing something else. Like an unwritten constitution, my wife and I watch movies when we are having our meals. Just kind of stuck with us like a style. So on this particular evening while having dinner, we started watching a movie-series titled Fear the Walking Dead. For those who have not watched it, I think it’s part of another series titled The Walking Dead. It’s a post apocalypse movie series that tells the story of a deadly virus that infected the world and wiped out almost all humans globally, turning whoever dies into flesh eating zombies. The virus usually begins with a high body temperature, disorientation, shutting down of the brain and other symptoms followed by death and reanimation a short while later into a flesh-eating un-dead creature. And the only way to kill the zombies is to pierce their heads. Quite a weird movie if you ask me. So watch at your own discretion. The part about the high body temperature kinda looks like early Covid-19 symptoms. Well don’t ask me what was the original plan for Covid-19. I do not know. But I am curious to know if there is any connection between this movie and this real life Covid-19.
So in this movie, the entire system of the world had shut down. No governments, no military, no police, factories and warehouses had become morgues for walking dead bodies, no planes are flying, no borders, meaning no passports and visas, no shopping malls, no hospitals, welfare departments, no churches, no mosques, in fact, no nothing. But I noticed that the only things that stopped were the things that man had spent all his life building. Day and night did not stop, rain didn’t stop falling, the grass had not stopped growing, the waves of the sea were still dancing around, the animals are still breeding fine except when attacked by the zombies. Only the things man made had stopped. It was then wisdom hit my mind and I was like…wow this makes sense. I compared it with what we have right now in this Covid-19 pandemic and I realized the same thing. Night and day have not stopped, the sun is still smiling, the moon remains shy at night, plants are growing greener because the rain that is falling is cleaner (no chem trails), the air has suddenly become fresher because human pollution has decreased, the rivers did not go on holidays because men are killing themselves, everything in nature is still working fine and even better than before. Just like in the movie, they all continued to obey the first words of God given to them from the beginning. Only the things that man made had stopped. Even man himself had not stopped because it was God that made him.
Then I looked at our society to try to understand why we do what we do and why we chase after the things we chase after. I sensed the futility in all of it. I asked myself what really will the globalist who wants to depopulate the earth by 15 or whatever percent, do with the empty lands that will be left? That too is foolishness and a chase after nothing. I thought about the capitalists and their madness for money and luxury, and it all amounts to nothing. I narrowed it down to siblings that fight and kill themselves over the land their father left behind, and I realized that they too are not thinking. For the land will remain after the same death that took their father takes them. So what’s the point of it all?Nothing. That you can’t use that your fine jet that you almost killed everybody for, because of a virus, shows you it was never important in the first place. That wildlife are now strolling on the streets of some cities of the world, while humans are on lock down shows you who the problem has always been. I see these things that we run after, the things we do and allow just to get them, and compare it to how our Afrikan forefathers lived in harmony and love with nature, and I realized what God’s wisdom in them really was. Am I against the good things of life you may ask? Well, it depends on what you call good and what you call life. For if life does not produce more life and if good does not produce more good then such good things of life are nothing but absolute nonsense.
The Wisdom of the Past
I do not believe in ancestor worship and never will. I believe and worship the God that made all things by His eternal power. However, I love the wisdom and the knowledge by which the Afrikan forefathers lived on this continent of ancient origins.
I am not one of such who believe that the ancient Afrikans did not believe in God or that they did not worship Him as God. Yes they may have tried to reach this God through whatever means was available to them then in the forms of idols or images or the worship of the things in nature, but to say that their spirituality was demonic, I do not agree. For even the Bible says that the invisible attributes of God are seen in the things He made. Simple wisdom. I realized that the images or carvings that the Afrikan forefathers made were not works of art as it were, but symbols and channels through which they connected with higher powers, which they called different names according to their geographical location and languages. But to them the names all pointed to God the creator. The point I am trying to make right now is not so much about what they did or did not do, but much more about what was their life’s priority and what their chase in life was about. Ancient Afrikans both those who lived in black Egypt and the rest of Afrika, did nothing randomly. They did all things with clear understanding of nature and its connectivity with spirit. To them, life on earth must not be lived outside of the life in the Spirit. In fact, the reality of Ma’at is only valid if seen from the dual sides of a weighing scale. The side which represents heaven or spirit and the side which represents earth or the physical must be in constant balance or the scale will be tilted and disharmony and chaos will set in. As it is right now in our modern world, the imbalanced downward tilt of the scale to the side of earth or physicality has created and is still creating the fears, insecurity, discord, disharmony and chaos we have with us.
Sometimes I read the writings of some African scholars or the social media posts of young Afrikans who are constantly saying that the modern day Afrikan man’s problem is religion or the white man’s concept of God and spirituality which has brainwashed or corrupted our true Afrikan identity. And with such claims they always talk about going to the ancient Afrikan ways. I am ok with this discussion about going back to the ancient Afrikan ways of wisdom, but I also realized that often times when these discussions are taking place, it only goes around religion and the supposed weakness that the so called white man’s religion brought to Afrika. But then in my mind I am thinking, this crop of young Afrikans clamoring for a return to the Afrikan ways cannot leave their phones untouched for thirty minutes, they cannot walk away from Facebook for a day, they can’t stay away from the junk they serve at KFC, they are loaded down with disrespect and dishonor for elders living just next door, Tiktok is their newest immoral friend while Instagram is their go to app for showing their bums or their new found work out skills. If you ask me, the white man’s religion is not the problem of the Afrikan man, his new found indiscipline and self-centered attitude is.
Let me ask you this, as a young Afrikan man or woman living anywhere in Afrika or in the diaspora, will you allow your wife to sleep with a male visitor that comes to your house while you sleep outside as courtesy for your visitor? Will you allow your wife or in this case, will you as a young Afrikan woman reading this article stop bathing with water for the next one week and start doing smoke bathing without water, even while on your monthly period? Will you? Well that’s the way of the Himba tribe of Namibia. They have maintained their ancestral Afrikan culture until now. Meaning that one of the remaining tribes which can show you the closest to how the Afrikan forefathers lived is the Himba tribe. Think about it.
And in using the Himba tribe as illustration, I am not in any way trying to undermine the lifestyle of the Himba tribe nor am I saying that the ways of the Afrikan forefathers was primitive. I am only saying that what they lived for, loved, allowed, expected, dreamed of had more spiritual substance and is more important than the era in which they did it. They lived for life and living, they lived for balance and harmony with nature, they understood that you are what you eat daily, they understood the importance of brotherhood, they understood the wisdom that comes from the higher powers that they seek in their daily worship. They were thankful for the rain that falls on their crops, they were thankful for a new child born into the family, they were thankful for the success of their brothers, they were thankful for being alive, they were thankful for the nature around them. Compare that with the modern day Afrikan that wants to get rich by all means irrespective of how many heads will roll for it to happen. Compare that with the fifteen year old girl who has no remorse for aborting a baby while calling it “my body my choice.”
Compare the lifestyle of the ancient Afrikans who see no land as belonging to anyone, but for all to use whenever they have need for it, to how the modern day Afrikan man grabs and steals land to build a never ending estate of futility. Nakedness to the ancient Afrikan was a thing of beauty and harmony with nature and not a tool for lust, immorality and frivolities that young Afrikans have turned it into. Meaning that the modern day Afrikan youth does not have the moral strength and inner discipline to live out the lifestyle of their forefathers they are clamoring to want to be like. The ancient Afrikans value nature as gift from the creator and because of this, harmony and balance was constant among them. When you put all these things together, you will see that the modern day Afrikan man’s problem is not the white man or his religion, it is indiscipline and a lack of regard for the life for which his forefather was known for.
The Myth in Afrikan Spirituality
The MsingiAfrika Magazine team had the honor of interviewing Dr Jack Githae in one of our past issues. He is one you will call a custodian of Afrikan indigenous medicine. At age seventy five, he was close to the days of the forefathers more than many alive today, so we can tap into his opinion about what the real Afrikan spirituality looked like. In that interview, he shared a very interesting story with us which I will put below.
He said “One traditional healer came from South Afrika, he was my visitor. He wanted me to take him to Mt. Kenya, we have a place where people used to go to worship; I pray there. I said, “I don’t go beyond here without praying.” He asked, “Githae, you mean you pray? You’re a scientist. You pray?” I said, “What do you mean scientist? What is science? Now that you have approached that question in a scientific manner, do you know that the world is round? Do you know it is one of the heavenly bodies that go round each other as they also rotate on their axis?” He said, “Yes.” I asked, “How much power does an object of the caliber of the earth require to rotate on its axis? How much power would the moon need to keep away from the earth as it rotates round to avoid crashing into one another?” I said, “Whatever created and controls those, it is the source I lift my hands to, to get a strand of that energy, because indeed it is the same energy that made you, made me and it is it that makes us communicate.” I said to him, “If you want to come with me there, I will pray in English so that you can follow.” He said, “No, it will spoil your prayer.” I said, “What God are you talking about? The God I’m talking about knows all languages. He knows all the modes of worship.” Eventually he agreed. We went and prayed and he said, “When you were praying, I felt something go in.” I said, “That is a strand of the energy.”
I brought up this story just to give a bit of clarity to the young Afrikans of these days claiming that the ancient Afrikans did not worship God and that their spirituality is with the cosmos and not the God that the Bible also talks about. For obviously, those who are talking have no connection at all with ancient spiritual practices. So while this lock down is still in place, take a critical look at yourself and things, away from your own pride and self-importance, away from your acute ignorance of who your forefathers really were and how they lived, away from your myopic mind that thinks that there is no God or that God is the Afrikan man’s problem, just maybe you can see the foolishness of chasing things that have no eternal value. Just maybe we can begin to have real conversations about the Afrikan emancipation.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.