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Celebrating our Contributors


Celebrating our Contributors

Fr. Anselm Adodo: Nigerian Catholic Father and Afrikan Scholar

For our anniversary, we wanted you to get to know our contributors a little bit, so we sent them a few questions! This is Fr. Adodo’s story.

Tell us about yourself and what you do, in relation to the move for a truly liberated Afrika. 

I am an Afrikan scholar who is interested in all aspects of human research. I am an advocate of Integral research. Integral research is research that does not just identify and analyze problems, but also goes ahead to propose concrete solutions, and goes even further to act on the proposed solutions. I studied History, Philosophy, Theology, Spirituality, Ethnobotany, Anthropology and Medical Sociology. I do not subscribe to a narrow minded and limiting of education that churns out ‘experts’ who can only think in one direction. Such forms of education do not bring out the best in the individual, but only serve to produce egoistic and self-centered individuals. I think eventually, the world will turn back to Afrika to learn about how to survive integrally in the world. Modernity may have tempted humanity to overestimate their power of dominance on the ecosystems. With COVID-19, we are learning not to underestimate our capacity for self-extinction. I am passionate about working towards an Afrika that will recognize her place in the world as the custodian of ancient wisdom and guidance of how to survive in the world. 

Say something about Msingi Afrika Magazine and how you feel about contributing articles to it or why you do it.

First time I had a look at the magazine online, I was impressed with the layout and the contents. I also saw some areas of editorial improvement which will surely come over time. There are thousands of magazines out there, so I am particularly selective of the ones I choose to write for. I love the fact that Msingi Afrika Magazine focuses on various aspects of Afrikan development. I also like the positive orientation of the magazine as opposed to the hatred and bitterness and even revengeful racism that tends to ooze from some other such magazines. For me, as an Afrikan, hatred and bitterness do not produce any good fruits.

What’s your hope and aspiration for Afrika for the next ten years?

I believe that a United Nations of Afrika, armed with a good knowledge of history and transformative education, offers one of the best hopes to transform Afrika.

What ought Afrikans be doing now to ensure that we as a people and as a continent truly realize Afrika’s great potential?

People cannot be liberated by consciousness and knowledge other than their own. It is therefore essential that Afrikans develop their own indigenous consciousness-raising and knowledge generation, and the social power to assert it. To do this, we must tap into the energy and resilience of the Afrikan youth, and channel these into a tool powerful enough to effect change in the status quo. This is not just an ideology. My theory of communitalism describes how this can be done.

You can follow Father Anselm Adodo’s work on his website

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