
July 1, 2020

Msingi Afrika Team
Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end…
By Kiki Asonibe
A Pandemic A pandemic they call it A word from study and intelligence A description from the place of fear A blanket generalization of reasoning A situation beyond human control. A Pandemic Sees a crown virus mutating Sees a death toll along its way Sees a snatching away of organized life Sees a sinking of hopes set on miry clay Sees a place of control from wicked spirits. A Pandemic A cry for help A realization of weakness An understanding of limitations In the boast of human power and weapons When the war is against an unseen enemy. A Pandemic Opportunity for a reset A world that is growing beyond itself Drawn into deep dungeons of darkness Hearts running speedily away from its maker Racing towards eternal damnation. A Pandemic Love from the heart of a caring Father Holding unto His own for a moment of thought Values and choices that demeans it existence Far from the will of its creator Being in the image and likeness of the Father. A Pandemic A race of return Like the prodigal son To the arms of a hopeful Father Waiting with richly adornments A feast of joy for all who made it.
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Msingi Afrika Team
Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end times to the world, in order to heal, restore and rebirth Afrika to her true purpose and destiny in God.