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Re-defining Self


Re-defining Self


The thought of becoming somebody rode lengthily across our minds while growing up, especially from our tweenies. The mind of our parents also belabored with the common thought that pressured them to strive towards giving our lives a meaning by training us to become somebody in future: being somebody is a reflection of the future. What have we become after all?

Were we nobody when our mothers gave birth to us from the womb? I have not seen a woman give birth to an accountant, a doctor, an engineer, a scholar, a teacher etc; has anyone? Professionals are offspring of institutions we call Alma Mater. Mater is a Latin word for mother. So, every professional is born again from another mother despite being born of a mother naturally. Who then is the mother of SOMEBODY?

In the beginning, originally, according to notes from diverse scriptures, the Creator, God, formed the first human being and gave him His breath. God is a spirit and whatever is formed through the hand of a spirit cannot but be spiritual. So much so that such is given the breath of a spirit… God made a living soul (Genesis 2:7). A soul is not flesh but spirit: souls don’t die natural death and are not subject to natural corruption and diseases of destruction. God also projected His offspring as somebody; He looked forward to His likeness and model who shares His sovereign power of dominance.

In the strife and struggle against the challenge to become SOMEBODY, education became a necessary endeavor that whoever seriously hopes to become somebody in future must engage. Education is the course of knowledge and the development of established understanding from depth of study and cognitive observation.

In hoping to become somebody, it is also pertinent to judiciously evaluate the quality of that somebody we project and look forward to being: to understand its worth, whether it would add value to time consideration or not. Time is the allowance all souls will account for to justify wisdom and to satisfy the original intention of the Creator. For the foolish shall not stand in the presence of the Holy One (Psalm 5: 5). The foolish are they who invest time unwisely by spending the greater for the lesser. Time shall tell at the end.

Needless to say that the world also desires somebody of significance to reward appreciably as appropriate. The world desperately needs the service of SOMEBODY. God, who formed us originally, equally needs our services; He has a need to be glorified and essentially somebody who will cause praise and glory to God by showcasing the light of God. God needs light bearers. But the ruler of this world and the prince of the world necessarily wish to derail the course of the living souls, who alone have the default design to reflect God and to become presenters of the handiwork of the Holy One. The handiwork of God is a revealing light of truth, hated by the ruler of the airwaves cum power of the air because he exposes his deceptions, lies, nakedness and vulnerabilities.

Every SOMEBODY made from the world has an expiry date: all manner of professionals molded out of the hand of the world shall expire someday because the world and everything of the world are transient. The world is a transition state and a test class for the soul who should go through transition to justify his breath of God, which is the incorruptible Spirit of holiness, and to prove himself wise of understanding. 

By and large, the soul would be judged. After death is judgment. The prudent soul is the soul that adds value to time by pouring out time to eternal values of immortal glory. But spending a lifetime for transient ideas is wasting capital for the lesser. The worth of the whole world cannot afford a second breath of lifetime, talk less of a whole fountain breath of the living God. Choose wisely!

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Failure to meet the Creator’s expectation is the transgression against His will to His choice and elect living souls He predestined to propagate His name, then earn Him praise to subdue the pride of His archenemy. Time is the chance we have to prove our understanding of the true one and knowledge of truth.

“The soul that sinneth shall die.” The natural frame of all souls, flesh, is elementary originally, and shall return to its elementary state after departure of its occupant soul. The death suffered by a soul is hopelessness in absolute darkness, without entrance of the light of God. This eternal bondage is the terribleness of hell and the state of the fear of uncertainty. A soul in hell is limited by fear of corruption and death, he is apprehensively anxious, suspicious of everyone, imagines evil; he is a lover of so much money, avaricious but yet lives in insecurity. However, the SOMEBODY of God prospers in the unending light of peace and unlimited lux of hope and prosperity beyond death.

The question therefore to ask is, What manner of SOMEBODY are you?

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