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Seychellois Banana Ladob


Seychellois Banana Ladob

Banana Ladob is one of my all-time favorite dessert recipes that stems from my Seychellois heritage.

Banana Ladob (Banana in coconut milk) is a hearty, nutritious and healthy dessert made with coconut milk and flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla that is very easy to prepare. Now, I know that plantain is not banana but in Seychelles, we call it banana.

Health Benefits

The resistant starches and micronutrients in plantains offer several health benefits, especially when plantains are consumed with minimal processing. Plantains contain carotenoids which convert to vitamin A and provide folate and iron, both of these play key roles in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Plantains are high in resistant starch. Just like other types of fiber, resistant starch doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. By slowing down digestion, promoting satiety, and enhancing “good” gut bacteria, the resistant starch in plantains promotes glycemic control.

Prevents Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Plantains provide iron and vitamin C, two micronutrients that work together to optimize absorption. Although iron from plant sources is not usually as easily absorbed, vitamin C increases its bioavailability. Iron-deficiency anemia causes fatigue, difficulty concentrating, impaired immunity, and poor regulation of body temperature. Plantains can help you avoid this common condition.


There are two general varieties of plantains: the horn plantain and the French plantain. In addition to finding fresh plantains in the produce section of your grocery store, plantains may also be available dried or ground into flour. Plantains are popular among packaged foods as well and can be found as dried or fried plantain chips.

(Nutrition information source:


Course: Dessert

Servings: 4

Prep Time: 20 min.

Cooking Time: 40 min.


3 large plantains or normal bananas

1/2tsp freshly-grated nutmeg

1 vanilla pod, split in half lengthwise

See Also

1 tsp salt

3 tbsp brown sugar or sweetener of your choice

6 cardamom pods or half a teaspoon cardamom powder

6 cinnamon leaves (or 4 cinnamon sticks)

600ml coconut milk

(Make sure all your ingredients are organic to avoid unhealthy toxins from pesticides & GMO produce).


  1. Peel the bananas (or plantains) and split them in half lengthwise.
  2. Now cut each half in half lengthwise again.
  3. Arrange the pieces in a large saucepan with a heavy base and add all the spices.
  4. Pour the coconut milk over the top and bring everything to a brisk boil.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes at this heat and then reduce to a simmer and cook, without covering the pan for about 30 minutes more or until the plantains or bananas are completely tender.
  6. Remove the vanilla pod and cinnamon leaves or sticks.

Recipe Notes

  • If you do not have fresh vanilla, you can substitute with 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • If you are using fresh vanilla, you may decide to slit the pod in two and scrape only the seeds and discard the pod. In the Creole Ladob we use the whole pod and seeds and remove them after the Ladob is cooked if required.
  • If you cover your pot fully, sometimes the steam created within the pot can curdle your sauce, especially if you are using fresh coconut milk or cream. However, if you are using tinned coconut milk or cream that may at times have a thickness like gelatin which makes the coconut milk more stable, you may decide to cover your pot.

I guarantee you will love this dessert, enjoy cooking this dish and please let us know how it turned out for you by leaving a comment below.

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  • Hello planning on making your amazing dish Seychellois Banana Ladob this Friday. Can it be made in advance and reheated? Night before? Or is it best made and served?
    Thanks in advance

    • Hello Melissa, thank you for your question.
      The author’s response:

      Yes, it can be made prior then stored in the fridge to be reheated the next day, just be careful not to over cook the bananas so that it doesn’t become mushy the next day as it will continue to absorb the liquid.

      Please let us know how it goes, process, taste and all! ☺

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