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Issue 14 August 2021


Issue 14 August 2021

Things, sometimes, can look so bleak on this journey we call life; no food, no money, no place to call home, no work; just debt and constant pressure all around us. Equally, things can look so bleak, and desperately hopeless for Afrika. Weak, corrupt leaders who give in to the whims of the east and the west; who agree to the definitions that they heap upon our heads; who agree to policies that cripple the people instead of giving them light and room to shine; who accept debt loads that look like they will oppress us for generations to come; strong, visionary leaders being betrayed and assassinated, because they dare to believe that Afrika can be greater than what others have decided for her, and on and on… small wonder our people flee in search of so-called ‘greener pastures’. Fleeing to the lands of those who face Afrika and Afrikans with hearts and policies of oppression, corruption and death. What a world.
Hopelessness and complaining can seem the best option to choose – even giving in to ‘the way everyone is doing it’ because it seems the easier path. It takes a heart of courage, boldness and love to continue pushing through to the right path. Giving up is not our destiny as Afrikans. It simply is not an option.
It may not seem like it, but things are coming together for Afrika and coming together really fast. Now, once again, the drumbeats of liberty are sounding from every corner of Afrika and the Diaspora. Now, especially now, people have become aware that the answers that Afrika needs are in them and they are beginning to respond to the call to transform the continent. Prayers are being answered and evidence will be seen soon. Soon, day will break. #1point6BillionStrong!

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