Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
and the intoxication of the nations of the world
So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:
Revelation 17:3-5
“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.
Revelation 17:12-13
Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
Revelation 17:15-17
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
Revelation 17:1-2
We definitely are living in very interesting times and seasons on the earth, in which the effects of the sorcery of the woman who sits upon the waters, called Mystery Babylon, and the intoxicating effects of her cancerous fornication with kings and men of the earth, through wealth and the accumulation of the same, is coming to its peak and the world will not remain the same.
In this article, I will allow the scriptures themselves to point out the days that we are in. That way, those who say the scriptures are fake, or that there is no God, will at least know that there is nothing that is going on globally that was not captured in the words of the scriptures somehow, whether they understand it as such or not, and by that, no one is excused about how they respond to what is here and also what is coming.
Like the days of Moses and Jesus
We have somehow tried not to create any religious undertones for this magazine or to Christianize it, but the truth is, there are some spiritual things you cannot explain to a world that has been dumbed down by the pursuit of irrelevant things, without using quotes or prophetic realities in the Bible or other spiritual books.
I recently saw a post on Facebook and the writer was kind of asking if Jesus died for Afrikans. I think he was not just asking a question per se, he actually was kind of making a mockery that if Jesus died for Afrikans, like churches are making everyone believe, why then is Afrika the way it is? I am not trying to undermine his question or assume that his question is not valid and that’s because I too love to ask questions, especially when it’s becoming clearer that there is a lot of brainwashing that has taken place in Afrika through the instrument of religion. But, I want to give a quick insight into what I believe is going on concerning the suffering of Afrika in relation to whether Jesus died for Afrikans.
Here is a prophetic indication of what I believe is happening to Afrika. Yeshua (Jesus) made a very prophetic statement in John 12:32-33. It says “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” This He said, signifying by what death He would die.
The Bible recorded how Yeshua died on the cross and the other things attached to it. But here are two things that happened when He died and how He died and both relate to Afrika. The Bible says that while Yeshua was taking His cross to the hill of execution, the soldiers compelled a man name Simon to carry His cross for Him. This Simon is from a place called Cyrene in Libya and thus, an Afrikan. See Matthew 27:32. Also, we see something very profound in Revelation 11 which states that Yeshua was killed in the spiritual Egypt, which is also Afrika. Putting all these together, you have something like, He was killed in spiritual Afrika, His cross was carried by an Afrikan, and because His instrument of lifting, which is His cross, was carried by an Afrikan and because the very place He was lifted up was Afrika, the very same place will be where He will draw all men to Himself. But what does this really mean? It means that the suffering of the present day Afrika is tied to the cross of Yeshua, which was prophetically carried by Simon, an Afrikan. And if you are paying attention to global events, you will see that Afrika has always been a place of refuge for all nations and will much more be a place where people from all over the world will come to for safety. For when they have destroyed their own nations with the falsehood of development and technology, the only clean place to dwell in will be Afrika. This is already happening.
You may be wondering how this is all connected to Moses, like the subtitle indicated.
There are seasons in the world where a people, having been under a certain oppression, will have a savior arise among them to set them free. It happened with Moses and with Jesus. But something of significance also happened when each of these two saviors showed up. That is, the death of male children who are two years old and below. Are you seeing the newest attacks on children (both male and female) by the globalists in the name of trying to prevent the spread of Covid-19? It’s an indication of the season we are in, in which saviors shall arise from all over the earth to save mankind from total destruction. Afrika is home to such numbers of saviors who, having borne on her back the pain of the cross, must now arise as savior for those that must be saved.
So, Yeshua did died for Afrika, but more so, Afrikans themselves having carried on their backs the instrument of death are now prophetically mandated to once again be the cradle of life for all of humanity.
The wine of fornication

Have you ever taken out time to sit and wonder why the entire world and all the people in it seem to be going in one direction in regard to lifestyle, careers, mindset, choices, and at the same pace in the chase for money, glory, fame, popularity, power, control etc.? Have you ever wondered why it seems that people are very ready to do anything, even to the point of selling their souls to demons, selling their ancestral lands, families etc. on the altar of exchange for money and the things money can buy? Have you ever wondered why success and greatness in this world is measured by how much you have in your bank account and how expensive your cars and the hotels you visit are?
Have you ever wondered why it’s easy for the world’s pharmaceuticals to turn medicine, or the health sector, into a multi-billion-dollar market, without blinking an eye of remorse for the thousands – if not the millions – of people that are dying globally from poisonous drugs that these big pharma make and push as solutions to ailments?
Have you ever wondered why there is much push to silence anyone with a different opinion on global matters, especially in regards to the health and food sector? Have you ever wondered why the entire story of the end time, according to the Bible, is about commerce, buying, selling and the other unseen exchanges that are involved? To the point where he who does not carry one of the brand identities of the beast, that is, his name, his mark and his number will not be able to buy or sell?
Are you even paying attention to the fact that what was noted in the scriptures is already happening, with this false pandemic created by a lab-made virus called Covid-19 and how that, in some countries you cannot go to the market, cinema, church, parties, or anywhere where there are more than a hundred people, without the vaccine certificate or proof that you are Covid-19 negative? In fact, in Kenya, the authorities are already saying that civil servants who are not vaccinated will either lose their jobs or get pay cuts.
Are you seeing that the language they are using is already matching what Revelation says about not buying and selling without the brand identities of the beast?
Are you also wondering why that the moment the church of God embraced the doctrine and the teaching of prosperity, it started losing its influence in Spiritual things of the earth? Are you paying attention to the fact that, even you reading this article now, your choices and decisions for some time now have not really been yours, but were influenced by global trends, social media influencers and the thoughts of those you look up to as mentors etc.?
Here is the thing you need to consider very carefully and very fast:
The woman called Wickedness
The woman that sits upon the waters, which scripture calls Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth, whose cup of wine of fornication and abomination has intoxicated the entire world, according to Revelation 17:1-2, is the same entity as the woman in Zechariah 5:-5-11 whom the angel called WICKEDNESS, whose home, Shinar, is the very place where the foundation of the tower of Babel or tower of confusion was born in Genesis 11:2 and whose influence all through the ages has controlled the entire world (the old world order) and global leaders up until now. And I deliberately used “up until now” to indicate that she, even with her huge and long term influence over the earth is not the main figure to be worried about, even as we enter into the last days proper. She is basically just the tool of distraction and the spirit of reveling in filth up until now for those who have not been paying attention to Spirit. She has been riding on the power and authority of the beast even while she did all her assignments in bringing humanity into intoxication. This woman called wickedness has controlled the minds and hearts of many, for ages, using her powers of distraction, persuasion, desire, awe and manipulation of human realities. See what John was told when he marveled at the beauty and grandiose of this woman who is called Babylon.
And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
But the angel said to me, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:6-9
If you read beyond verse 9, you will notice that the angel never bothered to continue talking about the woman, but started to explain the mystery of the beast upon which the woman sat and how the beast and those who are allied with him will destroy the woman by fire and nothing of her will remain. Here is what that means in our world:
The beast as an entity has been from the days of the fall of man as the one whom God said will be at enmity with the seed of the woman. God placed enmity between the woman and the serpent and then enmity between the seed of the serpent (the beast) and the seed of the woman (humankind). See Genesis 3:5. Meaning that this beast of Revelation 17 is the direct offspring of Satan or the Dragon whom the Bible calls the Serpent and deceiver of old. He has been from the very beginning of the fall of man, appeared several times across the ages on earth, especially as the spirit behind Nimrod, the man who hunts for the souls of men.
Global power of control
The destruction of the woman who sits upon the waters, who is also known as Mystery Babylon is captured in Revelation 17:12-13,15-17.
But what does it mean in real life and in our day for the kings of the world to give their authority to the beast and for them to, by one will, destroy the woman? It’s possible there are other meanings, but here is what I think.
The woman, as the symbol of the old-world order, which is controlled by money and riches, especially the money and riches that are physically tangible, must be removed in order to bring in the new world order, which does not use physical money or the accumulation of physical wealth. It’s definitely deeper than this, but have you noticed the recent global push for digital money, cryptocurrency that is not under the direct control of anyone or even government institutions, and then the recent advert by the World Economic Forum which implies that “you will own nothing and you will be happy”, even as we step deeper into the end of this age?
Does that bring to mind what happened in Revelation 18, where the woman who sits upon the waters also known as the great city, Babylon was completely burnt in one hour and the trade and commerce which she stood for was also destroyed and how the merchants of the world cried and wailed over her demise? Saying that “‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come” … and also this “‘Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour, she is made desolate.’ See Revelation 18.
Now why did I bring this part of the story in? To try and see if I can show you the deception going on right now globally, and just maybe you can take a cue and go forward with a bit of understanding of the world you live in. And how that Covid-19 as a lab-created disease is a tool for introducing the vaccines, which for me is like the last nail on the coffin of the world that is already almost dead with the intoxication of the wine of abomination, paving the way, through fear, for the introduction of the three identity brands of the beast (the name, the number and the mark), which people will readily take because they have been conditioned to think it’s for their own good, but which it is not. I just want to hope that the vaccines in themselves, especially the mRNA vaccines that have the ability to alter the DNA (A person’s God signature or identity) are not already the brand identities of the beast or parts of it. I know there are those who are very ready to use science to talk away a deadly reality unfolding in our world. I, however, would have done my part in penning down these warnings.
Pay attention please!
So as the angel warned John not to marvel at or be carried away by the riches and how amazing the woman looks with her purple and red clothes of false royalty, but went ahead to speak about the beast and what it stands for, so am I trying to tell you something about the distraction that money, fame, worldly gains, the deception of riches, Covid-19, the false pandemic etc., block the minds of the masses from knowing and understanding the days we are in and what each one really needs to pay attention to.
For to marvel means to be attracted by deep admiration for a thing or person. The danger of attraction is that, when used for evil, it’s always the first line of falling into a trap. For what cannot attract you cannot distract you from your goals. It will make sense here to say that the job of the woman who sits upon the waters, that is, the old-world order of gold and riches is almost done and the new world order, that is, the ungodly rule of the beast will begin shortly. The woman has done her job of intoxicating the entire world with her sorcery, whoredom and a deep distraction from that which is meant for their good.
The ten super-nations
I recently heard on a TV show someone asking why it seems that the entire world government and leaders, concerning the false pandemic, are saying the same things. He asked in a very concerned manner about who really controls the narrative and why there is no government doing a different thing in regard to the pandemic and the vaccinations. I think it’s quite simple and it’s what I have been trying to talk about. They all, by the intoxication of the wine of the woman who sits upon the waters, have given their authorities as the ten kingdoms, to the beast. And whoever goes against that which they plan to do is quickly killed. Take for example the death of the Haiti President, the President of Tanzania, the President of Burundi and you will see a pattern in what they all stood for. They all stood against the vaccination of their people for Covid-19.
Meaning that through aid, debt, assassination, violence, insurgencies, the leaders of the world have all been herded into a global alliance that fits the reality of the ten horns on the head of the beast. The ten kingdoms here symbolize the ten super-nations that the globalists and allies of the beast are planning to put in place soon. It’s already underway.
According to an article on Cutting Edge Ministries website (, the ten super-nations consist of:
North America
Western Europe
Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the market economy of the developed world.
Eastern Europe, including Russia
Latin America
North Africa and the Middle East
Tropical Africa
South and Southeast Asia
If you take a critical look, you will see that the above list of nations is practically the entire world merged into ten nations for the control of the beast. And from all we can see and hear each day in the media, and from the way all nations of the world are following the same script, if you are paying attention, you will know that when scripture says “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast”, it’s actually the pattern of global surrender of will that is happening right now with this Covid-19 thing and how there seems to a global script playing out. For how can the entire governments of the whole world agree to do exactly the same thing in their countries? Think about it. Meaning that, it’s time we all stop marveling at what the globalists are doing and start to understand that there is nothing that is going on right now that was not written of in scriptures and by the understanding that the Spirit of the Lord will give each one, we will learn to accurately navigate the days ahead.
Having said that, do not fall for the lies of the world and the governments in it. They are all soaked in the drunkenness of the wine of the woman who sits upon the waters, by the power of sorcery, which uses money, fornication, fame, gold etc. There has been a deliberate push over the ages to prepare the nations and kingdoms of the earth for these moments in time, in which no one will be able to buy or sell without the identity of the beast.
What about the church?

As I write this part of this article, on the side I was also having a chat with my wife. We were talking about the very things going on globally. I told her a few things about how that its only possible for the world to be going in one direction because there is a global script that is creating the drama. And that script, though in a sense, is written by God Himself, is however handed down by Satan to the sons of evil in the various cults they belong to e.g., Freemasons, Illuminati etc. And that it’s not really that these guys have the brain power and abilities to see fifty years into the future and plan things accurately the way we see things turn out, but that the blue prints of the future are given to them by the same Satan. She asked me why it is that the church is so blind to what is going on and are even telling their members to get vaccinated instead of teaching them how to escape the corruption that is happening? My answer was simple. The present church in its current state, is also drunk and intoxicated by the very wine of abomination that the woman who sits upon the many waters have given to the entire world. The church made the greatest mistake in thinking that the prosperity message they have embraced over the past couple of decades was a blessing from God, not knowing that it is the very cup with which she was made to drink the wine of abomination. But there is hope, in that, out of this very current church system that has become so corrupt and dumbed down by sorcery, will come forth those who have not been overtaken by the corruption of this world and the deceitfulness of riches of Babylon.
Let him who has wisdom understand. For as it was told to Daniel in Daniel 12:10, “Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”
The one hour of global shutdown
Revelation 18 speaks of how the great city, Babylon, was destroyed in one hour. There must be varied interpretations to this event but here is what I think.
It was not a mistake how meticulous the globalists were in making sure the entire system of the world and all the sectors in it are all connected in a central place – the internet. Health systems, defense systems, banking systems, school systems, business systems etc., all are connected and this all which makes up the old-world order. Now, if you want to introduce a new world system, which is not in the hands of those who currently control it, how would you do it? Just turn off the internet that housed the old-world order and all the sectors/systems that it contains and when you turn it back on, you have the new world order. Meaning that, for example, if the internet is turned off to put an end to the old world order, when the internet is turned back on to usher in the new world order, for anyone to log into their bank account, they must log in using one of the brand marks of the beast, which is either his name, his mark or his number.
If this sounds too far-fetched, then ask yourself why every search engine you use on the internet, through the cookies technology, gets your personal data, geo-tags your location, monitors everything you do from how much you spend with your credit card every day, where you travel to, not to talk of the nano-technology in the vaccines that allows strangers to access data of things going on in your body like your heartbeat, sleep, menstruation cycles etc. We are not living in normal times.
Take note that the mark of the beast is not 666. 666 is his number. Meaning that for those who are expecting to hear the government of the world say it’s time to receive 666 as the mark of the beast or some tattoos on their foreheads and then plan to say no, they will be disappointed big time. For what if the vaccines you received for Covid-19 already contained the mark or the DNA of the beast which is not the same thing as 666? Think about it.
Be aware
There is already rumor in the media that a global cyber attack is underway, which will affect the global internet service. Do pay attention.
You are not alone
I did not write this article to in any way glorify the workings of Satan and of his associates: the woman who sits upon the waters and the beast, but to clear a few things for the many or the few who may read this article.
There are three major layers of world events that must still happen before the Christ will come:
•The destruction of Babylon, which is the old-world order
•The introduction of the beast who is the ruler of the new world order
•The coming of the Christ who will judge and also destroy the beast and Satan who is also called the Dragon. See Revelation 18, 19 and 20 for context.
Mind you, as there is a mark of the beast, the name of the beast and the number of the beast, so also there is the mark of God, and the name of God, which He Himself will give to His people. See Revelation 7:3, Revelation 3:12, Rev 14:1.
Therefore, it is in your power to choose whose mark of identity you will carry. And also remember that no temptation that comes to you in this day and age is unique to you.
You are not alone.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.