Note from an Afrikan in the Diaspora

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
Family and Mass Teaching: A Two Edged Sword that can Help Afrika Rise
Having done this magazine publication for over two years now, we have come to realize that some of the places through which we re-learn and also get to re-emphasize the thoughts we share, are through the various feedback we get from our readers. In this case, the particular feedback that I am writing about now, is from one of our Afrikan brothers in the diaspora about a video we did recently. The video was tittled: Domestic and Social Violence: The Pandemic We Are Not Paying Attention To.
The video featured other feedback we had for a video we did earlier.
So I am going to share below the feedback we had for the video on Domestic and Social Violence and also add what we responded with. For, like I had already mentioned, such feedback and responses help us to learn and also re-emphasize our thoughts.
Dear Chioma & Sam,
Firstly, let me say your coverage of such a complicated subject matter was as usual excellent and I personally must commend your efforts in doing so given the depth of such a subject matter as it pertains to those who are labeled as “black” globally.
Secondly, the person you made mention of by initials “JS” at the beginning of the video succinctly pointed out some of the crucial and root cause related challenges facing African originated people in respect of the ILLUSION of GOOD that both their mis-education and inherited colonial value thinking-chain system that many people have been indoctrinated with has led many to end up being a strong PART of the problem. Thus with them (knowingly/unknowingly) ending up aiding and abetting the evil doers (western owned or funded “charities”, organizations, Medical personnel, religious institutions, so-called “philanthropist”, international corporations, large/medium businesses etc.) In the subtle destruction of Africa and its people without actually realizing it while “thinking” that they were doing “GOOD”.
Then to make matters worse when these brainwashed African originated people do “REALIZE” it, it is too late as they are “locked in” tight or too deep over their heads to correct the wrong they have done thus often times leaving them to resort to what I call defensive-denial strategies for “Covering” up their wrong sadly with again more wrong.
Thus, do please send my heartful warmth to the person initialed “JS” that you mentioned in your video as we need more people like him/her understanding the true roots of the (what I call) African Development Conundrum.

Now THIRDLY: I noticed you concluded with the “FAMILY” as the bedrock of all values which in an “IDEAL” world I totally understand and share your understanding that it should be the foundation for teaching and imbuing values and appreciation of humans by humans..
But there is nothing “IDEAL” about the present world you and I were born into as this world for centuries (a broad, critical and objective read of “European” History and their associations/interactions with other groups/races clearly shows this) has been, like you rightly pointed out, both governed and steered by the agendas of certain European descendent “Families” who sadly are the ones for centuries that also behind constructing the very nefarious and corrupt class-based system (we have presently) whimsically manipulating/controlling every facet of human existence and events.
You see, the “FAMILY” that you referred to that SHOULD be the cornerstone to imbuing values into its members ITSELF is made up of the same very SICK CAMERA gootube posting Wanna-Be living Dead people that live in a world of “Heroism” ILLUSIONS.
These sick camera gleefully totting non interventionist “THINK” that being the “ONE” to first POST the incident on gooTube that makes them some sort of quasi-HERO’S.
After all do not forget that being gooTube stars is “TRENDY” for those mentally/emotionally inadequate gooTube wanna be’s (just take a look at the stupidity and desperation for ATTENTION of those on gooTube) . They do not see that what they are really unmasking about their own human make-up or traits is a very deep seated SICK, mental and emotional, inadequacy of being within themselves when they callously record events of this severity to post and care less for intervention.
What I am trying to point out to you is that these SAME people are (sadly) the same very people who make up a “FAMILY” unit. So you have to ask yourself “…are these the ones you “expect” will be able to pass on VALUES of importance within their own immediate or extended “FAMILY” clusters?
I know this point is a bit hard for most to wrap their heads around but I hope you can wrap yours around it. The Living Dead are the Living Dead:
Just like UNITY the very notion of VALUE is something that MUST be TAUGHT.
It is not something people claiming to be concerned about should be “only” TALKING about or SINGING about as it needs to be TAUGHT. In other words ACTIONED.
These sick “CAMERA TOTTING” living Dead were NEVER taught VALUES by their own parents so why do you think they now (magically) have the CAPABILITIES to teach themselves or their own children hence forth?
Like UNITY those who understand this weakness in humanity need to find ways to get TEACHING humane values as something that needs to be done practically both in a structured/organized manner and done en-mass for it to have meaning and be effective (one or two persons having/habituating humane value systems is meaningless as it has to be the overwhelming majority of the population having and doing it for it to be effective).
The INHERITED present day “education” system was simply a CONSTRUCT meant to extend the colonial subservient mindset and never constructed/intended for the benefit of the people as it was created rather to keep people in line and to maintain the power/governance structures in place.
What those who can clearly see that the “SYSTEM” and all its major players are corrupt and rotten and anti-humanity need to start focusing on is TEACHING A NEW WAY by (if need be) revisiting the actual system and taking any good bits from it to re-structure it in a genuine positive manner beneficial for humanity and not construct it for greed, dehumanization or subservience;
For decades too many of us have been “talking” and “Singing” about a NEW WAY but never putting in the brain/physical implementation effort to construct a system for TEACHING it using even the same tools the old way set in place but this time instead of using them negatively (as the western world has done) but use them POSITIVELY for the general progress of humanity.
Europeans have a history of violence, brutality, extinction of other races/religions and excessive evil/terror etc. thus THEY ARE NOT (I repeat: They AR NOT) THE ONES positioned to see through their own madness and thus bring about effective positive change for humanity.
Their own history track-record has shown that they make things worse for humanity as the propensity they have for violence, dehumanization, manipulation, control, subjugation, making other races extinct, sodomization, turning your mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters into pimps and hookers and a plethora of evil is not something they can easily change as if they could they would have done/demonstrated it to date:
That CHANGE can only be understood by those who have been on the RECEIVING end and somehow miraculously survived their evil actions over centuries.
Conclusively, You (likewise ourselves) will be better served if you focus your efforts on “HOW TO” MASS educate VALUES to the greater African population (this is not an easy feat and needs Thinking-Outside-The-Box to achieve, as sabotage is rife, but it is doable if their is an understanding of what and how it needs to be done and if there is a will) as it is in, making humans “human” lies the in-road to truly preserving humanity in a genuine human manner and not in the “Illusionary” manner done to date by those who have for centuries been steering humanity down a destructive path.
Anyway, I hope you guys are doing fine back there and I see you are holding your own and setting up your own portal slowly pulling away (sensibly so) from gooTube. We have not forgotten you as we shall get back to you once we address the challenges we have over here.
Stay strong and keep your head up:
Peace. Idris.

Below is our response:
How lovely to hear from you, Idris,
Thank you for your feedback and insights, as always, and our thanks to whoever shared the video with you. It’s encouraging to know that this content is being viewed and shared.
Yes, domestic violence and matters of social violence are quite complicated to handle but with so many increasing incidents worldwide, we felt it was important to at least begin a conversation around it and share perspectives that may be of some transformative use to someone who is watching. There is so much we may not have managed to cover but we felt that highlighting the issue of family would be of utmost importance as, in this somewhat shattered and distorted world that we live in, many have not been socialized to even understand how powerful that one unit can be to the healing of society.
Yes, like you say, in many cases the families themselves are heavily compromised because of the generational indoctrination that has taken place for so long, and, yes, so many zombies exist where beautiful,
intelligent and wise individuals ought to be – and it can be disheartening to consider. However, speaking as a former ‘zombie’ (this is Chioma), who was so deeply enmired in the ways and workings of the world for so long, I continue to hold on to hope that there will be others like me who will have a moment of realization, much like Nebuchadnezzar did, and a restored mind will propel them to ignite change. We both hold on to hope that where the biological family has failed many, there will be those who will step up and step in and create ‘surrogate’ families that can still provide nurture and some form of healing and restoration to those who lack or lacked the proper foundations to stand on in those home. This also happened for us, in various ways, where we found stabilizing influences in people who wanted to do right by us. Those new families can then be the healing effect and help restore sanity to the family structure for the ones who find themselves in their care, enabling them to be able to understand how to create their own correct foundations and structures in their own homes when they grow up. It just requires the commitment of the ones who are willing to ‘do their little’ to shift the trajectories of the ones within their reach.
There is definitely a lot going on right now globally and it is clear to us that most people are already giving up the fight for some sanity in our world. But, we cannot be those who run away in the face of adversity, thinking there is no hope, especially when everywhere you look, you see the wicked hands of the globalists and their puppets influencing and manipulating things. Now this brings me to another point. In as much as you rightly mentioned the large scale weakness and the compromise of the biological family units, where else can we begin to raise a better and godly foundation for our kids in preparation for the very next future…still the family. Why? As you already know, it’s easier to mold and build children into great future icons than it is to repair broken men and women. So, that means we have two levels of work that we must do right now, which is, mold and build the children in the family units (both biological and surrogate) while we fix the minds of the adults that are already indoctrinated. No one will do the first for any parent (both biological or otherwise), but the second, can be done by the mass teaching that you mentioned. There are lots of things we have in mind at Msingi Afrika Magazine and Television concerning how we can help to at least constantly raise awareness to our global Afrikan family, but how much can you really do when funds and resources seem to be in the hands of the fools, while the wise are struggling to make ends meet? You see what I mean? We as a team have been giving the best we have, but definitely want to do more if we have the enablement required.
How we long for the day when, not just our voices, but all those who have the mandate for restoration of the right mindsets and education and empowerment of the society will reach the largest number of people possible. You’re right when you say it is no easy feat – but it is worthwhile, so we will keep pushing towards it while we are yet enabled to do so. With the support of people like yourself and others who bolster us from time to time through sharing our content or encouraging us in various ways, we are able to keep our heads up for we know that the tipping point has come and surely there will soon be a flood of the needed wisdom flowing out to all Afrikans, wherever we may be, and to the world – for a restoration of one community will bring balance to the imbalanced global arena – and we will see some form of positive transformation take place at least in terms of awareness, identity, purpose. So, onwards we go.
We are thankful for you and your team and your constant remembrance of us. Hope the travails in tech will be overcome soon as your platform is also a much-needed tool in this fight.
As always, our best to you,
Chioma and Sam
My thoughts
Now, if you look at the above conversation, you will notice a lot of things that are very critical to setting the pace the liberation and emancipation of the Afrikan people, but let me just point out a couple of them.
The Afrikan issues need more wholistic and action based responses and not some reactions that we often give to events and things others do.
There is no one go-to solution for the Afrikan issue and not one person’s perspective is the ultimate.
For the first one, it is not a joke when it is said that the family is the bedrock of the society. Meaning that the family system and the individuals in it make up the foundation stone of every society, community, nation and the entire world. Meaning that to save the world, you must first save the family and those in it. Which brings me to a question. Have you ever taken time to know and understand why there is such a global push for LGBTQ rights? Well, I think the answer is simple. Disrupt the family system by making men think they can marry men and that women can marry women and then add to it the confusion of the many ‘sexualities’ available right now, and trans-genderism and you will have a society that is about to implode on itself.
For the second, every conflict that arises among humans can be traced to one main thing, that is, the push for self-interest as against a communal approach to solving problems. Divide and conquer will not work in the midst of a people that have conquered selfishness and self-preservation. Which means that, for Afrika to still be where it is today points to the fact that we have more saboteurs and self-interested and self-preserving people than those who are ready to put their feet on the ground to work for the good of the whole community and not just them and their families alone.
In summary, changes can and will come to Afrika if we only address our responses and our hearts towards one another and give life.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.