The Challenge of Modern Medicine and Farming

Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
A Cycle of Poisons and Deaths?
“As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine, unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone”-
Dr Allan Greenberg, MD.
When you look at the state of our world and the multiple issues we face everyday; from health issues, to diet issues, family matters, moral degradation, corruption, mismanagement in leadership and political spaces etc., and then take a cursory look at the foundation of where most of these things come from, almost all the time, they come from the deep insatiable greed and avaricious tendencies of humans who want to have all things to themselves alone.
Frankly speaking, the farmer who decided to use poisonous chemicals to “increase” farm yields, did so, not because the farm actually yielded more than it would have if he hadn’t used the chemicals, but mostly because he was told by the foreign corporations that made the chemicals that using their products (agro-chemicals) would increase his yield, and also because of his own greed to make more money with less work and time, while ignoring the fact that these agro-chemicals have been found to cause fatal diseases in humans and malformations in new born babies.
Same thing for the modern day medical doctor who was taught in medical school how to deal with sicknesses and diseases, not necessarily from a place of deep concern for the healing of the patient, but from how much medicine and medical interventions are paid for by the patient. I am not saying that modern medicine is bad or that a more modern approach to farming is wrong, I am saying that the practices and the approach towards modern medicine and farming is doing more harm than good.
The truth is that, when capitalism entered into the health and farming sector, poison and deaths followed. It is also very clear that when greed and capitalism entered into spirituality, falsehood and religious madness followed. To the point where it’s now very difficult for the unsuspecting to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake in our religious gatherings. When modernity and Hollywood lifestyle TV shows entered into the family sanctuary, separations, divorces, broken homes followed. To the point where most of the role models that our kids follow on social media are men and women with multiple divorces and uncountable and perverse sex scandals. They have become the army of influencers that the minds of our young people are turned towards. When social media and increase in technology happened, depression, suicides and self-hate also increased.
All of these issues beg the question: when are we going to stop and take a look at modernity from an unbiased perspective and see how it is mostly a created delusion to keep the world bound to the ideologies of a few puppeteers who have mastered the art of manipulation of human realities in order to create a sheep generation of people who cannot think for themselves.
To be fair to technology and modernity, it’s not all bad news and evil, but the cumulative consequences of the direction we are headed with the use of modernity and technology, will leave us very stranded in the very nearest future. Maybe the “big boys” are aware of what is coming, so they are running to go build cities in Mars. And that too, is a foolishness like no other.
We have entered, in the past few decades, a world where selling poison in the form of farm produce and modern medicine is seen as development. All manner of sicknesses and diseases are plaguing the world, but instead of us stopping to see clearly and dealing with the causes of these abnormalities, which exist mostly because of the shift away from natural laws and patterns, which we have done in the name of science. Now, we keep spending more money producing more chemical based food and medicines. We are slowly killing ourselves and destroying the earth that God gave us as home.
Thus, with all the billions and trillions of dollars expended for health care globally, more diseases keep showing up, even while the world is still battling the old ones. Should such things not make us sit down and reason together that something somewhere is not right and definitely, something is not working in our favor? And, for that reason, stop and make a new path that works for our lives and the health of the next generation? The fact is that, whether we want to agree or not, most farm produce that uses some of these deadly chemicals has the ability to transfer the poison from parents to their unborn children. They are generational in their making, in that, the chemicals in the food you eat have the ability to stay in your genes and then transfer to your unborn kids. That alone should make us fear and think. But no. Capitalism and greed for more money has taken over the minds and hearts of many and most people are suffering for it.
The modern day creative diagnosis
I am currently reading two books written by Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, titled: MALE PRACTICE: HOW DOCTORS MANIPULATE WOMEN and the other one CONFESSIONS OF A MEDICAL HERETIC.
Dr Robert, in explaining an euphemism, which he called creative diagnosis medical practice among modern day doctors, described the indefensible behaviors of doctors who keep themselves busy by finding diseases where none exist. In his words, he said “They do it by redefining the norms of health and sickness and employing other deceptions to create an artificial need for the services and those of their wondrous machines. Their eager allies in the medical industrial complex are the drug companies, the equipment manufacturers, the testing laboratories and even those friendly folks who manufacture infant fomular and canned baby food.”
He compared modern medicine to an assembly line for General Motors, that when the assembly line is not running, then it’s not paying for itself. The need to keep the beds full and the machines busy is at the top priority of the hospitals’ administrators, well ahead of sanitation, safety and medical care. He spoke about the beauty of the not too long ago medical sector, in which doctors were known for care, sympathy and genuine compassion for their patients.
In his words, he said “The family physician was willing to spend time with those who sought his help, listening to their woes, getting to know them and providing comfort as well as advice. He cured a lot of ailments with doses of sympathy, kindness, reassurances and plain old-fashioned common sense. Doctors were not yet the captives of the drug company detail men, so the toxic chemicals now sold by the ton was rarely used.” Mind you, he wrote this book decades ago, and clearly, things are far worse right now with the level of choke-hold that pharmaceutical companies and the corporations that make agro-chemicals and farming machines now have on both the governments of nations and the people.
Are you aware that there are now laws in some places in the world that make sure farmers cannot share seeds among themselves, they cannot store seeds for the next planting seasons and they must only buy their seeds from the corporations? And mind you, those seeds they buy are dead seeds, in that they cannot be planted twice. Tell me, is that not death in itself, which we call development? Absolutely it is. For, if the seeds which were naturally supposed to contain life for successive generations of that particular plant, suddenly are dead within just one planting season, can what was harvested using that seed be called food? Should it not be rightly called “a poison”? You think and figure it out yourself. And to make matters worse, these corporations with the idiotic governments of the day that we have, are making policies that destroy indigenous seeds and heirloom seeds just so that they can get funding from these demonic corporations for their foolish spending. How much more crazy can this world get before we say it’s enough?
Am I against doctors, modern farmers and their jobs? Absolutely not. But I am against the malpractices, the lies, the don’t care attitudes that happen in the name of health care and farming which are destroying lives and maiming children by the thousands.
Think about this. About a year ago or so, news came out of Kiambu county, in Kenya, where it was noticed that male children were born having defects and malformations in their genitals called Epispadias Hypospadias (we did a video about it). The study showed that these malformations were caused by the use of toxic chemicals by the farming parents of these babies. Now, if these malformations can happen to these babies whose parents use these toxic chemicals for farming, what is happening to the people that are eating the food produced with these chemicals and even to the parents themselves? Another question, what is happening to the reproductive systems of the female babies that will be born to these farmers and of those eating the farm produce. And mind you, Kiambu county is one of the main food baskets of Kenya. So, imagine how far those farm products go country-wide and what the effects will be in some years to come.
So, inasmuch as I am not against modern farm practices and modern medicine, I am against the foolish disregard for lives that clearly manifests itself in the name of making money from farm yields and sales of toxic medicines. We can do better.
Dr Robert wrote these words in his other book titled Confessions Of A Medical Heretic.
“I no longer believe in Modern Medicine. I believe that despite all the super technology and elite bedside manner that’s supposed to make you feel about as well cared for as an astronaut on the way to the moon, the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine.
I believe that Modern Medicine’s treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they’re often more dangerous than the diseases they’re designed to treat.
I believe the dangers are compounded by the widespread use of dangerous procedures for non-diseases.
I believe that more than ninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth — doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment — and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial.”
I believe that Modern Medicine has gone too far, by using in everyday situations extreme treatments designed for critical conditions.”
It’s an emergency
It’s not a joke that we are fast making our world unsurvivable for ourselves and the generations to come. It’s actually an emergency situation to take back our lives from the hands of peddlers of toxicity, in the name of modern farming and medicine. In Afrika, we still have time-tested original indigenous seeds and foods that have not be compromised by science and we have genuine practitioners of the original Afrikan natural medicine that are devoid of chemical toxins. We need to strengthen these beautiful parts of our Afrikan lives and save our lives from toxic living.
Living in any form of denial, like most are doing right now with the issue of Covid-19 vaccines, will only put us in a state where, if God does not help us, it will be too late to make real changes later.
Watch the video about the Kiambu babies:
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.