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The Great White Deception


The Great White Deception

A Distortion of History Filled with Blood

I really cannot tell you when, why or how I began to take a closer look at the history of Afrika and the events that fill that history. Yes, I sat in history class in my junior secondary school and definitely loved the things I read about Afrika, howbeit, I know now that some of those things were tempered down to allow our young minds comprehend what was being taught, but I never thought I could, one day, be this me that is now trying my little best to speak to and for the Afrikan people.

Not many things are clear yet concerning Afrikan history, how it was distorted by the pale skin guys, and how that they worked very hard to make sure that every story they recorded about Afrika always favors their ideology and perspective about savage Afrikans, while at the same time leaving out the horrors in their own history in order to paint the image of a superior, well-bred and civilized race, with no rotten bones in their cupboards. But those days are gone where no one has the right to relook the distorted history and see clearly where, how and why it was distorted to fit the narrative of the true savages who think going to other people’s land, raping and killing their women and children, hanging the men who refuse to do their slave-master biddings, is somehow a noble ideology of conquering of foreign lands for their imperial foolishness and murderous thirst for blood.

I will share two stories to paint a picture of the distortion of history and how it has created a very weird honor for one side and dishonor for the other. A very well articulated white angel and a black angel narrative.

Kenya’s “savage” Mau Mau freedom fighters

Up until a short while ago, I had always thought that the name Mau Mau was the original name of the freedom fighters that saw to the liberation and the independence of Kenya from the British imperialists. I came across something that got my attention, while I was reading a book titled A People Called The Agikuyu: Yesterday and Today and Tommorrow. The book was written by Paul Ngige Njoroge, a Kenyan author.

Under the chapter “Making the ultimate sacrifice” where he dealt with the Mau Mau uprising, he said something about the name Mau Mau, “The name Mau Mau has uncertain origins. Some people have speculated that colonial government agents heard people reverse the sounds of the words Uma Uma whicch means “get out get out” when they were found administering the oath.” He went on to say “But the adherents of the freedom movement did not always refer to themselves as Mau Mau; and it is important to note that the colonial propagandists used the name Mau Mau by way of the demonization of a legitimate rebellion against colonial oppression. The colonial propagandists could self-righteously convince themselves that they were dealing with an “atavist” movement created by people with “diseased minds” and justify to themselves the inhuman brutality, terror, violence that they visited on Mau Mau adherents and the Agikuyu, Ambeere, Aembu and Ameru generally…The nationalist army gave itself the name Kenya Land and Freedom Army.”

Now, if the name Mau Mau was not the original name of the freedom fighters and if Mau Mau was a demonization of the true cause of the freedom fighters, how then did history only record Mau Mau as their name and not Kenya Land and Freedom Army? Your guess is as good as mine. The distortion of history to suit the narrative of a “superior British” and the “inferior and disease minded Kenyan guerrilla fighters.”

Writing about the double standards that the white man, in this case, the British used in passing judgment during the bloody uprising, Paul Njoroge says “The double standards are mind-boggling: the same whites were not repelled when they used the most degraded forms of torture, like castrating men, getting Alsatian police dogs to maul Agikuyu men to death, tying people to Land Rovers ending with mangled bodies, or inserting bottles into women’s birth canals. The white man is amazing for his capacity for deception, especially self deception. He talked about the “bestiality” and “savagery” of Mau Mau – while practicing some of the worst kinds of violence against the person known to humanity. Today he is the great champion of human rights – while still murdering people in Afganistan and Libya. But in reality, the white man is the greatest worshipper of what Shakespeare called the “hideous god of war”, a god that exacts sacrifices in murdered bodies, mutilated bodies and the blood of infants.”

Imagine all of the atrocities that were meted out against the Mau Mau and the people of Kenya during the revolt was “to justify their intention to eliminate this threat to their comfortable stay in Kenya.” Imagine such arrogance, self-deception and wickedness. To the self-deceived white man, it is ok to come into another man’s land, eject them from the land and then kill them when they revolt and ask for their land back. So, the settlers and the officials of the colonial government who created the boogeyman of Mau Mau Evil, to kill Mau Mau followers was justified – because they would be eliminating an evil thing, a disease. Imagine such pride and arrogance.

The “holy” murderous “father of Gynecology”

Apologies to doctors who are reading this part, especially gynecologists, or their family members. It is sad that you guys have a great trade in helping and saving women, and that, I appreciate deeply, but the history of your trade is nonetheless steeped in some dark, bloody and evil practices, which must be spoken about, especially as it sheds light on the white man’s mastery of distorting history to fit a clean and righteous “superior white race” and an “inferior savage black race.”

As I read the book Male Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women, the author, Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD, shared a very horrifying story of the man Dr. J. Marion Sims, whom the world calls the father of Gynecology due to his contribution to the field of women’s health.

To quote Dr Robert, he wrote

“I have always found it fascinating and appropriate that one of those early gynecologists, Dr. J. Marion Sims, is revered by contemporary practitioners as the ‘father of gynecology’. The basis of this recognition was Sims’ role as founder of the New York Women’s Hospital, as inventor of a number of surgical instruments and, most significant, as developer of a surgical technique to close vesicovaginal fistulas, a condition in which there is an opening between the bladder and the vagina. The latter achievement also won him another title, ‘the architect of the vagina’.

When Sims died, the Journal of the American Medical Association was extravagant in its praise.  His memory the whole profession loves to honor for by his genius and devotion to medical science, he advanced it in its resources to relieve human suffering as much, if not more, than anyone who has lived within the century.

Who was this compassionate genius? Sims became a general practitioner in the south in 1835. Initially, he shared with other physicians of the time a distaste for gynecological problems and avoided treating them. He was led into the field by chance, when he became intrigued with the case of a female slave named Anarcha, who developed a vesicovaginal fistula because of instrument damage Sims inflicted on her while delivering a baby.

Remember that this was an era during which female slaves were valued mainly for the babies which they could produce, an era when some plantations were huge slave breeding farms. Sims knew that because Anarcha was no longer able to bear children, her value had been destroyed by the damage he had done. He also knew that countless other black females were considered worthless because of the same condition.

Sims decided to begin a program of research to discover a surgical remedy for vesicovaginal fistula, utilizing female slaves as his research subjects. He built a small hospital/laboratory and had no trouble securing Anarcha and six other similarly afflicted subjects from their cooperative owners. Between 1845 and 1849, he experimented on these unfortunate black women, trying various procedures to close their fistulas. Sims operated repeatedly on the slave subjects, working without anesthetic, but keeping them heavily dosed with opium, which probably explains why they didn’t run away. He finally perfected his technique doing an operation on Anarcha, who had inspired his work in the first place. This was the great humanitarian achievement for which Sims is honored today. Long forgotten is Anarcha, the poor woman on whom Sims operated without anesthetic, thirty times!

Anyone who closely observes the reckless intervention that prevails in obstetrical gynecological practice will conclude that Sims is an appropriate choice for recognition as the father of gynecology. His obsession with surgery and his lack of compassion for the women who endured the incredible torture he inflicted on them are still reflected in the behavior of many who practice this specialty today.

Sims’ use of women and human guinea pigs was not unique to his time. Modern Medicine and its pharmaceutical allies are still experimenting on unsuspecting victims who number in the millions. Many of them are damaged by the drugs they are given and some of them die.”

My thoughts

See Also

I specifically used the story of Kenya Land and Freedom Army, mostly known as Mau Mau, and the story of Dr Sims, to make a point about how history was deliberately twisted to paint the Afrikans who defended their homes from invaders as evil and savage, while the whites who created systems based on acts that cannot be less than evil, as geniuses. And this is not just about Mau Mau or Dr Sims alone, but it is found in many other historical records, which are lopsided to create an angelic white race in the face of a demonic black race.

Yes, there are those who argue that Sims only did what he did based on the resources that were available to him at the time. In fairness, that may be correct, but what about refusing to use painkillers? Is it that the bodies of the ‘slaves’ did not feel pain? What about the soldiers of the Kenya Land and Freedom Army? What other choices or resources did they have at that time in history to defend their lands from the machine-gun bearing and war plane flying, invaders than death to the white man who ejected them off their lands, raped their women and killed their men?

The issue of color

As I write this article, I had to force myself not to go too far from making sure the end result of the article will be wisdom for Afrikans (home and abroad) and change of heart for the white man(for those willing).

For Afrikans, the truth is this, Afrikanness is a spiritual reality that speaks of SOURCE rather than a race that speaks of color. So, it is myopic of Afrikans themselves and whoever else to limit or reduce the Afrikan reality to color rather than a spiritual entity which speaks of the fountain of life. For it is self-deception to agree and say that Afrika or Alkebulan is the cradle of humanity, while at the same time calling Afrikans the black unwanted species of humanity. And I say this specifically to Afrikans themselves. For I have seen and heard Afrikans  despise Afrika and Afrikans in some unthinkable fashion.

I reason that if all you do as an Afrikan is see yourself or allow others to see you only from the mirror of color, in this case, black and even aggressively defend your so called “BLACKNESS” then why do you complain when the white man calls you nigga? It is a very simple question that needs a deeper reflection.

We cannot keep playing the color card and then expect to truly live out the reason why we are from Alkebulan, which is that we are pioneers of life on earth and that life and its progressiveness expects much more from us than we are already giving. We must stop playing the color card and start manifesting the creativity that we are originally known for as people from Alkebulan-The Mother of Humanity.

What am I really saying?

Inasmuch as I despise the white man’s shameful atrocities that have been committed against the Afrikan people, case in point, the millions of Congolese killed in DRC by the evil king Leopold of Belgium and the many other uncountable evils still being carried out across Afrika, my case really is with my people from Alkebulan. We cannot continue the way we have been. And I mean, we really need to come together and create an ecosystem that works for us. The foundation of the white man’s system and ecosystem is that of blood, oppression, capitalism, slavery, spite against those that don’t look like him, which I believe stems from a deep inferiority complex; but the foundation of the Afrikan is Ubuntu, which recognizes that a single person only has life when connected to the whole and thus HE IS BECAUSE OTHERS ARE.

Meaning that the issue of Afrikan unity is not just some play on words but the very thing that will help Afrika come out of the rot she is right now. We can do it. So let’s do it.

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