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When is Enough… Enough?

Science Without Conscience is Poison and Death

Are we saying it’s ok to feed our people poison just to justify food security?

Are we saying it’s ok to spread cancer around just to justify our bank accounts?

The above questions were what I saw myself asking a business woman in a dream I had recently. Imagine my concern for the health of Afrikans have even shifted to my dream space, to the point where I am not just challenging the fools’ narrative of poisonous food security in the awake world but also in my dream. Very interesting.

To give a little context to what I saw in my dream, my wife and I were in a particular shop or so, and the owner of the shop, a business woman was visibly angry with us for talking about the dangers of the kind of business she does that puts the lives of people at risk. She was pacing around grumbling and trying to make us realize how bad we are making her business look with the things we are sharing, I guess in this magazine and in our videos. That was when I asked her the above questions. I noticed in the dream that instead of being remorseful, at least now that it was clear to her that whatever product she was selling was not good for the health and safety of the people, she instead went to meet another woman in a corner of her shop and they started talking in low tunes while looking at me. I will not give any interpretation of what I think the dream means, but it is quite clear that there are those who are in various businesses that are harming others and they are not in any way remorseful about what they are doing nor want to stop. But the thing is, stop we must at some point. But I do pray when we realize we need to stop, it will not be too late for everyone.

It is becoming very real to me that we are not just dealing with the physical madness of the avaricious tendencies of people who want to make money by all means, but much more with the spiritual dimensions of things. For even those that claim that spiritual things are not real, are only speaking from ignorance, because the root of science itself is found in what spirit beings revealed to humans when they brought the required and accepted rituals before such spirits. I will not go further with this.

A short while ago, I saw an article with the title: Kenya Risks Sh150bn Loss In Pesticides Ban.

Now, let me give you the context of what this article is about and then leave you to make your own decision if the title itself and the content of the article are not tools of deception and a poison to the health and wellness of humans. (You can read the article at the link above).

The article points to a Bill in the Kenyan Parliament that a woman named Gladys Boss Shollei, the Uasin Gishu Women’s Representative is sponsoring, which is aimed at banning the use of at least 200 agro-chemicals locally. In her submission in parliament, Ms Shollei argues that the cancer-causing herbicides and pesticides banned in the United States and Europe were still being imported to and sold in Kenya, despite the health risks they pose to the people.

But here is what Timothy Njagi, a senior researcher at Egerton-based Tegemeo Institute of Research and Policy, Kenya, said about the submission in parliament. “The ban on these chemicals would be detrimental to food security, forcing Kenya to rely on imports to meet its annual needs.”

Dr Njagi said the country would lose an equivalent of 16 percent in terms of the gross domestic product should farmers abandon the use of pesticides and herbicides in their farming practices.

“If the ban is effected, then Kenya will have no alternative but to become a net importer of food to meet the needs of its people as a substantial amount of food will be lost,” said Dr Njagi in a meeting organised by Science Kenya Africa.

The researcher argued that limiting farmers’ access to necessary technologies would risk livelihoods and compromise food security.

In response to these events going on, Pest Control Products Board general manager Paul Ngaruiya said they have started reviewing more than 200 pesticides used in the country following a request by the National Assembly in the light of the petition before Parliament on these chemicals use.

Now, just to ask two questions. First, how were our Afrikan ancestors planting their crops and making harvests that served their communities every year, in the very tropics where the researchesr are claiming farmers cannot afford to grow crops without using chemicals to control pests and diseases? Second. How, on God’s earth, will a people who call themselves researchers or scientists put the loss of money first as against the loss of human lives? Sometimes I wonder if people smoke dry monkey poop before making decisions and utterances that clearly do not make any sense.

For as we can already see in our modern world, science without conscience, left in the hands of those also without conscience, is nothing but a weapon of mass destruction and population extermination.

Just so you know and understand a few things going on with the issue of chemicals in farming practices, let me share a short excerpt from an article I copied online about the thousands of lawsuits against the makers of a herbicide called Roundup. In case you don’t know, Roundup is one of the most used but most notorious agro-chemicals that have been banned in other places, but still being imported into Afrika, just like Ms Shollei pointed out.

Monsanto started manufacturing Roundup in the mid-1970s, but it wasn’t until 1996 that product sales really took off. That’s when the company started marketing seeds that were genetically modified to resist glyphosate. This meant Roundup could be used on and around crops, ornamental plants, and flowers, which could continue to thrive while weeds and other invasive kinds of vegetation were eliminated. For now, Roundup can be found on the shelves of most “big box” home improvement centers and neighborhood hardware stores—favored by farmers, groundskeepers, and backyard gardeners alike.

In 2018, German pharmaceutical giant Bayer bought Roundup creator and manufacturer Monsanto, and ended up inheriting all of Monsanto’s emerging Roundup-related legal problems. The safety of pesticides and herbicides has been under scrutiny for decades, but in 2015 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced a new classification of glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic” (meaning it likely causes cancer).

Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

By the time Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018, thousands of lawsuits linking Roundup to the development of a form of cancer known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma had been filed in courts nationwide. (The business entity known as “Monsanto” no longer exists, though the name appears to live on in court filings related to Roundup litigation.)

That same year, in the first of these cases to go to trial, a California jury found in favor of Dewayne Johnson, a 46-year-old groundskeeper who worked at a number of California schools. Johnson’s attorneys argued that he developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Roundup on the job, and alleged a scientific connection between the product and the illness. The jury stopped short of finding a clear causal link between Johnson’s use of glyphosate and his cancer, instead finding that Bayer/Monsanto had failed to do enough to warn Johnson of the risk that Roundup could cause cancer. Bayer/Monsanto was ordered to pay $289 million in damages. That award has twice been reduced on appeal (to $20.5 million), but Bayer/Monsanto’s liability has been upheld both times.

Two more Roundup lawsuits to reach the trial stage also ended in big wins for the plaintiffs:

See Also

In May 2019, a jury ordered Bayer to pay $2 billion in punitive damages in a lawsuit filed by a couple who both developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Roundup for over 30 years. The couple was also awarded another $55 million in compensatory damages. A few months later, this massive award was reduced to $86.7 million after the judge concluded that the original judgment was significantly out of step with legal precedent.

In March 2019, a jury awarded $80 million (including $75 million in punitive damages, later cut to $20 million) to a plaintiff who had used Roundup in his yard for over 25 years before developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (In May 2021, a federal appeals court ruled that the judge had properly allowed the case to proceed to trial over Bayer/Monsanto’s objections; the appeals court also upheld the reduced award.)

Now, to not sound as if what I am talking about are just some stories coming out from outside of the continent of Afrika, or even Kenya from where the bill has been submitted, let me now share a few things about what is going on with the health of farmers and their contacts with some of these chemicals.

Sometime back, we shared with you in this magazine and even on our TV show, a new study by the University of Nairobi (UoN) which says that the number of children being born with physical abnormalities in Kiambu County has been rising. The study shows that the issue of Hypospadias, which is a rare male genital organ defect was the most frequently occurring of all observed physical abnormalities detectable at birth. The study also found out that the increase in Epispadias, another defect of the male genital organ, was similarly common in Kiambu County.” According to the study, the two types of penile defects have been linked to boys born of obese mothers, women giving birth at older ages than 35 years, and those exposed to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, hormones, medicines or industrial chemicals during pregnancy.

My thoughts

I do not think it makes any sense for us to cover our faces with the blindfold of science and foolish research that has no meaning and which adds nothing useful to our lives as Afrikans. We definitely do not need a scientist or researcher to tell us what is safe and what is not, if we can with our own eyes see the consequences of the choices and decisions we are making in the name of money. So, shame on those researchers who put money and the loss of it before the loss of human lives. I am not against science and research. But the truth is, science without conscience and a heart for human safety is nothing but poison and death. And this we are already seeing with the amount of cancer cases, eye defects, obesity and the many other non-communicable diseases we are seeing right now in our society.

It’s up to you

Like Dr Jack Githae, a Kenya Natural Medicine Practitioner, mentioned in one of our interviews with him, every community and people of such community, according to the constitution, have the right to defend themselves from any form of danger. And this makes sense, especially now that we have more compromised government and private agencies that are nothing but puppets in the hands of those who control the money.

So, if the scientists and researchers are erroneously feeding the government false information that chemical based farming practices are the only way for food sustainability and agro-economics, yet these are killing people by their millions, then it is time for the masses to decide for themselves how to protect themselves from such evil disguised as science. For, as we can already see in our modern world, science without conscience, left in the hands of those also without conscience is nothing but a weapon of mass destruction and population extermination. Let us be wise and a thinking people.

Check out a video interview we did with a lady called Angela Ndiho titled: How I Overcame Breast Cancer Using Natural Vegetable Juicing.

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