Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
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Rising to New Heights

There is something beautiful about hitting rock bottom in our journey in life. This beauty, like sunrise which breaks the night’s cloud to announce a new day, comes in the form of what we learn when finally we let go of things that have beforehand defined us, hit our backs on the floor, and having no other depth of falling to fall to, we pick ourselves up and make a comeback with more wisdom and clarity of mind. For me, it’s a beautiful place of letting go of stuff that has become nothing but weights on our backs, and which have hindered our progresses.
Most people may have different opinions about this, but from my perspective, rock bottom situations are always the best places where we learn the truth about life, ourselves and even those around us. And even though most people may not love the idea of rock bottom situations, or a situation where they come to their very ends, it is in these situations that one finds the new strength to climb to new heights. Why? It is impossible to climb a mountain, without first entering the valley. And it is impossible to climb a new mountain of career path, business, relationship etc., without first coming down from the old mountain, experiencing the valley and then starting the journey of climbing the new mountain. It is a beautiful experience, if you ask me.
As always, this section of the magazine is written both as a word of love and encouragement to the specific Afrikan nation we are featuring, but also to the general Afrikan people both home and abroad.
Afrika and Afrikans have, for a long time, been groping in the darkness of their various rock bottom situations. The rock bottoms of slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism, capitalism, which is sucking up her resources, and then the many evils targeted at her by the West, Europe, and now the East. But the issue now is not really the many rock bottoms we, as Afrikans, have found ourselves in, but about what are we really doing, or going to do, to spring back up from such low places. For, if the word for the new year 2022 is about sprouting or springing forth and climbing to new heights, (and it is) are Afrikans really prepared in their minds to make such leaps of faith and come out of their low places?
It is definitely not a question that one needs to ponder for too long, but one which needs an urgent response that fits the changing world we already are facing, and which will much more change from 2022.
It is our prayer and hope that, that which is required for every Afrikan to make a shift and climb to new heights in the coming year be made available.
About Tunisia
Tunisia, located in North Afrika, is a favored tourist attraction that welcomes holiday makers from around the world. What makes Tunisia so popular? It may be the stretches of Mediterranean Coastline or the selection of well-preserved Roman ruins, the ability to ride camels into the Sahara Desert, or go hiking in the mountains. Here are some interesting facts about Tunisia that you probably do not know:
Tunisia is officially known as the Tunisian Republic, with Tunis as the capital. In fact more than a quarter of the total Tunisian population live in Tunis.
Tunisia is the most northern country in the whole of Africa with strong trade ties to Europe.
The estimated population of this beautiful country is over ten million.
Ninety eight percent of the population are Arab-Berber, with a small percentage being European, mostly from Italy and France, with some Jewish residents.
The highest point in Tunisia is Jebel ech Chambi which stretches 1,544m.
This country is home to thousands of kilometers of magnificent Mediterranean coastline, one of the many tourist attractions combined with the wonderful warm climate.
Tunisia became independent in 1956.
The official language is Arabic, though many people also speak French. The main religion is Islam. Bear this in mind when packing for your vacation, as modest clothing is necessary to respect their religion when in the towns and cities.
Kairouan is the fourth most important city in the Muslim world after Mecca.
The country has only ever had two presidents.
This country is known for its Roman archaeological sites, with Carthage being the most popular among tourists.
Tunis is the only Tunisian area that enjoys the benefit of a tube service, the others rely on coach, public bus and taxi services.
Kebili has evidence of stone age settlers.
(Copied from https://www.tunisiatours.org/)
We are right now in a global space where many decisions and choices are being made, either by governments of nations, for their citizens, concerning the false pandemic that is being pushed all over, or by individuals about how to live life going forward. But one thing remains, choices and decisions do have consequences, either nationally or individually. Sometimes, these consequences are irrevocable, so, to be frank, we all must take caution when faced with such decisions and choices.
New heights require new choices and decisions
We all want things to change and we all want to live the best of our lives on earth. But we must not lie to ourselves or close our ears to the fact that nothing changes until we change. It’s just the way it is. We cannot expect the pathway of new heights to suddenly open for us and then not be prepared in our minds to walk in it. Whatsoever we don’t settle right now in our hearts, we may not be able to put to work in the new year and beyond.
Prayer for Tunisia
Irrespective of whatever the challenges in Tunisia may be and irrespective of what may be standing against Afrika as a whole, I pray for you mighty nation of Tunisia, that you will rise from whatever situation that looks like rock bottom and climb unto the heights of greatness. As we enter into 2022, may the Lord give you all that is required to rise beyond your pain and setbacks.
God bless Tunisia and God bless Afrika.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.