Brave Heart from Father to Son – Book Review

Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end…
Father to Son
This book could not have come at a better time than this, given the context in which parenting of the boy child is taking place.
The affirmative action towards the girl child was the right move to emancipate her, however, this has led to the sidelining of the boy child. We only need to glimpse at society now to acknowledge the effects: Poor performance of the boy in school; Increased school dropouts especially at the primary school level; Deep involvement in vices as an outlet; Men who are unable to lead their families instead of resulting to abuse of alcohol and narcotics, not to mention the decline of positive male role models.
This book presents a paradigm shift from the old way of thinking to a new perception. Previously, the boy benefited immensely from a patriarchal society, he was acknowledged and affirmed and families did everything to ensure that he was educated and well mentored. However, at the advent of the women’s liberation movement in the late 70’s, slowly the boy child became relegated to the back. No one fought for the boy, therefore he found an outlet in crime and vice to assert himself or he became indifferent to his role in society.
As such, the book addresses parents of boys through the various developmental stages from boyhood into manhood. These include the physiological and psychosocial aspects of growth, which are important in creating balance between spiritual and emotional matters.
Hereby, the author provides readers with a better understanding on how best to handle the boy.
Another major focus is that of fatherhood. It goes without saying that in today’s society, very few men are providing the guidance required within their families. The book provides an important realization to fathers everywhere to appreciate how important and God-honoring fatherhood is; that it literally provides a foundation for the success of future generations!
Additionally, the book takes a brief look at African heroes and heroines including Thomas Sankara and Wangari Maathai who overcame numerous hurdles in life to leave a lasting legacy. This is a lesson to all people today and future generations.
To quote the book: “A courageous man will do what he ought to do, no matter the risk and consequences. A man without courage is a warrior without duty and kings all over the world are defined by the level of courage to live their values and enlarging their territories to influence a wider scope to protect what they value.”
With this book, it is hoped that you the reader, will be compelled into action and fight for the wellness of the boy child.
We acknowledge Pastor Simon Mbevi who is the founder of “Man Enough” a breakthrough program that has created a positive outlet for men within a Christian context.
This book is a demonstration of the seriousness of our concern over the boy child and his responsibility in the society. Enjoy reading, decide to act, be a role model.
*Foreword by:
The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina
Provost All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi
Father to Son provides practical guidance and an opportunity for fathers and father figures to mentor sons as biological fathers, supplementary fathers and stand-in fathers in order to seal the gap of mentoring deficiency in our society today.
Brave Hearts: A Leadership Journey Leaving No Son Behind
In the heart of every man is the desire to be affirmed, shown affection and belong to a community that is functional. The masculine soul feeds on affirmation from an infant stage which is full of dependence on another person to take care of him. Some experience a crisis depending on the circumstances which later affect their wellbeing in life.
Homes filled with shame, guilt and rejection as a result of dysfunctional relationships, slowly erode a man’s ability to will and act from a tender age. As a result, the developing young man will either take initiative to lead himself or cave in, awaiting rescue from a caring hand.
The idea of manhood has been misinterpreted in our society. A man is a predestined custodian of society’s functionality and wellbeing. One who calls out the best in people and affirms courage in order to preserve a generation. It is up to us to change the narrative and realize the predestined idea of sonship and masculinity.
A young man becomes diligent when he is affirmed, guided and educated with skilled wise, knowledgeable older men. When identity is known and lived, the learning process becomes an entry point to firming up the joys of self-discovery. Though surrounded by confusing voices, the battle to have an identity and vision is won by a young man when in the company of other men. These men uplift and encourage a warrior to understand that everyone is born a leader but very few become. Hence a need for accountability and a support system.
The big picture is to build a community of transformed sons and devoted young men. A community of visionary husbands, fathers and selfless elders. Men led by wisdom, knowledge, skill and understanding as the guides in social seasons of life. A man committed to becoming a responsible leader, with the ability to define his life goals and values apart from the pressures of those around him. Someone who cares and is authentic. A man of integrity, courageous enough to build social responsibility in his community.
As a young man, there are opportunities around you all the time – opportunities to take initiative and be kind, opportunities to stand up for the weak and the oppressed. Seize these opportunities to help make a difference in society. The final call to a Braveheart leader is to be the leader you were created to be… Sign up! Act! Brave Heart, Brace yourself!
*Introduction to ‘Brave Hearts. A Leadership Journey Leaving No Son Behind’ by John Wills Njoroge.
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Passionate about getting God's message concerning Afrika and the end times to the world, in order to heal, restore and rebirth Afrika to her true purpose and destiny in God.