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Human GMOs: The War on Human Reproductive Health


Human GMOs: The War on Human Reproductive Health

As we come together to fight against those who are destroying and contaminating Africa’s indigenous seeds, there is another seed war that we must not forget. It’s called the war on sperm or the globalist war on the reproductive health of men. This war is taking place, particularly, in countries that they like to call third world or countries where the people are adorned with colors which they love to call inferior to the white race. Some even called this evil “SPERMAGEDDON”, which technically means the war on sperm and the reproductive health of men. But this brings to mind what Bill Gates said some years back in a TED Talk “The world today has 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” The media came out later to say Gates’ words were misunderstood.
Even Kamala Harris, the vice president of the US, was quoted to have said, in 2023: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.” But like the case of Bill Gates, the Whitehouse came out later to say she meant “reduce pollution” and not “reduce population”. Cover-ups. Simple.

But what does it all mean? Before we get to the answer let’s look at a few critical statistics on the decline of reproductive health for the past few decades:

Declining sperm counts have been in the news in recent years. A notable 2017 study estimated that sperm counts have dropped 59 percent in the last few decades. Some researchers have pointed to chemicals and pollution as causes. Chemicals that are found in many consumer products, including many toiletries and household items, can affect sperm quality. What is clear is that overall health can have an impact on sperm counts, says Dr. Thirumavalavan. “There are more chemicals in the environment, which can affect overall health. Being overweight affects sperm counts, so that could be part of what we’re seeing,” (Source:

Sperm counts have dropped by 59 percent and the world is not on lockdown or in a state of emergency to find a solution to a slow fertility genocide that is gradually eating up humanity. The global medical fraternity does not even seem to bother. Could it be that they do not bother simply because the plan was well orchestrated and not bothering is part of the plan? I do not know exactly, but if something so crucial as male sperm count, which is directly tied to human life on earth has dropped by 59 percent, then we have a serious issue on our hands.

Here is another statistic to look at.

If you look at the red line you see the countries of the world ordered descending by the fertility rate in the period between 1950 to 1955. Rwanda, Kenya, the Philippines, and also other countries that are not labeled in this chart had a fertility rate higher than 7 children per woman. China had a fertility rate of just over 6 and India had a fertility rate of just under 6. On the very right of the red line, you see that in 1950–55 there was only one country in the world with a fertility rate below 2: tiny Luxembourg.


Looking at the different research available online and the rate of infertility that is springing up both in men and women, it is glaring that something is wrong with the world’s reproductive health. There are more cases of PCOS and Endometriosis occurring even among young women and more women are losing their ability to have babies.

But the question is, which industries of the world are trying so tenaciously to destroy mankind? The so-called health and food systems. The health sector creates vaccines that are doing damage to humans. The health sector creates a dependence on drugs for diseases that they do not cure. The health sector is behind the GMO industry that is creating dead food crops and turning our real food into poison using the vast agro-chemical industry. The dominant institution that controls these things is not called Food and Drug Agency for nothing. Food has become drugs and drugs have become food instead of food being health. So, the entire war against mankind is a huge interwoven industry that thrives on the ignorance of those who think the health care system and the global food system really care for them.

But this is captured in Revelation 18 when it says the nations of the earth will be deceived by sorcery. The Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia which is the root word for pharmacy. Make the connection.

The role of the gay agenda and the cloning industry

The spread of low fertility genotypes will also be encouraged by the IVF industry. The latter has had very little impact on global fertility levels while it has remained a specialized activity responsible for <0.5% of births worldwide. However, in most developed countries, the uptake of ART is increasing rapidly and the reasons for treatment are gradually expanding as more same-sex couples, single women and surrogates are making use of fertility treatment. (Source:

In an interview with Universal Heritage TV Naija, Dr Phillip Njemanze, a Nigerian Research Professor of Neuroscience spoke about the dangers of GMOs, the global cloning industry and how they come to Africa in the guise of NGOs. He mentioned that one of the projects they carry out is the collection of ovarian eggs from local women. These ovarian eggs are used in the cloning industry to create human body parts through a procedure called Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. He also mentioned that one of the critical side effects of harvesting ovarian eggs from women is death. But why is the industry still alive? What is the connection between GMO plants, lab-created meat, human and animal cloning, self-driven cars, the war against indigenous seeds, and the deliberate fight against population? Don’t be fooled when they tell you that Africa is overpopulated. How come they don’t tell China that? China’s population is higher than that of Africa and while China is a country, Africa is a continent of fifty-five countries. When you travel across your African country what do you see? Crowded cities, towns and vast populations of people on the highway? No. You meet millions and millions of acres of uninhabited lands. So the answer is not overpopulation, the answer is GLOBAL CONTROL. The war on sperm and the war on human fertility is not just a war that targets “the human male sperm”, it is a war that targets humanity in order to reduce humans to an animalistic state of being and that, for control.

Two homosexuals cannot have babies, neither can two lesbians. And the humans who have sex with animals will not only be unable to have children, but they have also reduced themselves to animals and this is shameful. We must deal with the issue of GMOs, vaccines and the long-term effects of these poisons on humanity. #notogmo #saveindigenousseeds #heirloomorganicopv

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