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Monkey Pox or just more Monkey Business?


Monkey Pox or just more Monkey Business?

Our friend Tet Kofi of Tet Kofi Media posted on his Facebook page. The post says:

“Cave (Lat.: watch out) the new virus does exist, and I’m not saying it does not.
Yet it does not make this meme less relevant… And Africans (in particular) need to watch their civil liberties, and ‘experimental’ biological agents they allow to be pumped into themselves that could cause long term sterility and ‘other’ serious adverse consequences. Yoooh !”

He used this image of a monkey holding a brown cigar in its right hand and a flaming dollar bill in the fingers of its left hand. And on the image is this caption that says “The key to “Monkey Pox” is knowing the “K” is silent.

It’s a powerful image and captioning if you ask me. But how many Africans really understand what that means? Let me explain why I used Africans as a reference point.

I saw a post on TikTok from a profile I can’t even remember the name of or the exact way the post was worded. But it got me thinking. The post said something like; why is it that when HIV Aids happened, they said it came from the DRC. Now Monkey Pox is becoming a thing and they are also claiming it came from DRC. Why is it DRC always?

I responded and said, “It is because the DRC sits on 24 trillion dollars’ worth of natural resources”. That is why.

But what does it mean?

It means when you see the title of the book “How Africa Developed Europe” written by Nkwazi Mhango, you will begin to put the pieces together. It means when you realize that the entire crisis in the DRC that has been going on for decades, if not centuries, if you factor in the madness of King Leopold of Belgium against the people of Congo, has all been about natural resource control and exploitation. In fact, one of the main reasons for the partitioning of Africa was the DRC. It means when you hear that a particular disease is or certain diseases are endemic to the DRC but the details of the scientific research behind such claim remain blurred, then you know you need to pay more attention to the grey areas and not what is written in research papers or the media. It means when you hear of a report from a bio-research lab about Africa and what they call endemic diseases, don’t panic. Just research who the funders of those researches are and you will be on your way to know what the real agenda is.  It is a common military tactic to subdue a person or people by any means possible in order to exploit them. How is this being done right now in the DRC and Africa?

Create constant violence in the DRC using the likes of M23 which is a militia group backed by Rwanda’s Kagame, the FDLR which is a Congolese rebel military group that is mainly comprised of the Tutsis of Congo who are also aligned with Rwanda. Then, while the people are displaced from their homes because of the violent crisis and placed in inhuman concentration camps, and the government is busy chasing shadows, the mining of resources keeps going unchecked and unaccounted for. This is the same thing going on in the North of Nigeria with the Boko Haram thing. It’s a straightforward pattern. It’s the same thing that happens when your African government gets an “intelligence report” from the US embassy in your country’s capital, warning of a “terrorist attack”. Don’t be surprised if there is a negotiation going on in the background which the US wants your government to approve but is not doing. So, the “intelligence report” of a potential terrorist attack is really a threat from the bringer of the report to make your government fall in line unless the “real global terrorist group”, the United States of Aggression (USA), sends in its terror machines. You get my drift, right? So, it’s always about the same thing; The interests of the West and the interests of the allies of the West alone. To them, Africa must be curtailed to be the impoverished, docile and incapable of self-governance continent of banana-eating monkeys.

But it’s painful to know that some Africans are part of this evil that has subjected the people of Congo and the African people in general to centuries of servitude and anguish.

There is an article I saw very recently. It’s an article about a report that was written and published in 2009 by an organization called “Global Witness”. I tried looking for the report itself but could not find it on their website. I have written to the website administration to see if they can share the report directly with us.

According to the website, the 110-page report, entitled ‘Faced with a gun, what can you do?’, details how companies are buying from suppliers who trade in minerals from the warring parties. Many mining areas in eastern DRC are controlled by rebels and the national army, who violently exploit civilians to retain access to valuable minerals, including cassiterite (tin ore), coltan and gold. Cassiterite and coltan are used to make mobile phones, computers and other electronics, among other things.

See Also

Global Witness wrote to 200 companies and found that most had no controls in place to stop ‘conflict minerals’ entering their supply chain. It says governments, including the UK and Belgium, are undermining their own development assistance and diplomatic efforts to end the 12-year conflict by failing to crack down on companies based within their borders.

Informed by on-the-ground investigations and interviews in North and South Kivu, the report reveals that despite being on opposing sides, the national Congolese army and rebel groups, in particular the FDLR, regularly cooperate, carving up territory and occasionally sharing the spoils of illegal mining. It warns that the recent integration of another armed group, the CNDP, into the national army will make it easier for the former rebels to get ‘in on the act’ of exploiting the mines.

“Despite recent political and military developments, including the apparent rapprochement between the DRC and Rwanda, violence against unarmed civilians is continuing and countless lives are lost each day. All the warring parties in the DRC are systematically using forced labour and violent extortion in mining areas,” said Patrick Alley, Director of Global Witness.

Now, even though this article is about the so-called Mpox or Monkey Pox or if you like call it “Monkey Purse”, and the globalists are beginning to push for it, it’s really about all the various aspects of African life that seem to be under the control of some unseen hands. But with respect to the Mpox thing, don’t get caught up with the monkey dance to make you forget your thinking abilities in your wardrobe while you put out your arms for another regime of phoney vaccines. So, when you hear that Mpox has invaded your country, pay attention, take a step back from your usual frantic attitude, understand the research around the studies, research who is funding the project, understand how the disease manifests, ask around for natural remedies or natural ways of preventions and then be at peace. Don’t let anyone make you dance a monkey dance like a pole dancer while the sons of Belial throw some dollar bills at your feet. A word is enough…by now we all should be wise.

We shared a video of one of our friends titled: Capitalism Has Failed Humanity. Is There A Way Out? She gave several ways in which capitalism and the insatiable quest for money is one of the reasons why our world is in such a grip of evil and dehumanizing attitudes of humans against other humans.

#notomonkeybusiness #notomonkeypurse #notomoneypox

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