Issue 32 December 2024

Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine and…
I’m thrilled with the opportunity we have been presented with as a people and a continent (watch this video for context). 2025 represents a significant time for us to build without the chokehold that had been upon us for so long. We can’t afford to waste it. We simply cannot. This month we invite you to spend time remembering your dreams about who you are, what your life represents, and what you are to do about that and to put in place a step-by-step plan to begin to live out that reality in the years to come, starting with 2025.
Let’s build, together. Let’s build for Afrika’s benefit.
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Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Magazine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen, for the transformation of the people and the continent of Afrika - and the world. She believes passionately in the critical role that Afrika and Afrikans have to play on earth right now and hopes to ignite the spark that will cause them to see and believe who they are, so that they can live out their Truest lives for the remainder of their days.