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China & BRICS Choose Progress Over West’s Deindustrialization


China & BRICS Choose Progress Over West’s Deindustrialization

(Courtesy watcher.guru)

February 6, 2025

China, a leading nation in the BRICS and the Global South, has chosen in practice, not to follow insanity of the West led campaign for deindustrialization. The same political-financial elites endangering the world with their diseased rules-based-order, which insists, by force, if necessary, that  the United States must remain the dominant hegemon of the world, are also behind the myth of anthropogenic climate change. Their intentionally misleading assumption, that the industrialization of our civilization, which has led to phenomenal rates of economic growth for humankind, is threatening our planet today. Economic progress, the cause of society’s ability to support billions of people, is now alleged to be criminal. This is a direct assault on what makes the human species, human: our creativity. Humans are the only species endowed with a creative imagination. We homo-sapiens-sapiens are the only living species endowed with ability to discover new scientific principles embedded in the physical universe, which generate  technological revolutions. This is properly understood as human progress. No animal, not even our charmingly cute panda bears, possess this quality.

Reject Zero-Growthism

At the core, the so called environmentalist ideology is a hatred of human beings. The foundation of this anti-human perverted view stems from three false axioms: 1) Our planet is a collection of fixed resources. This is not even remotely true, proven by the economies of today utilizing resources, critical minerals, that we previously did not know existed; 2) There is no growth in our universe; 3) Humankind, in its greedy behavior of using up our planet’s “fixed resources” is driving civilization towards its eventual doom. These axioms parallel the pseudo-scientific theory, which stipulates that physical universe, driven by an irreversible entropic process, will culminate in a final state incapable of further development. According to the second law of thermo-dynamics, through the inexorable degeneration-disorganization of energy, our universe will wind-down, until reaching the ultimate state of disorder, deprived of usable energy. This zero-growth belief is the bedrock from which all the dogma postulated by the green-environmentalist movement emanates.

Neither zero-growth ideologies, nor entropy, govern our universe, especially  the creative powers of the human mind. The history of the progress of civilization debunks these allegations. The physical universe is anti-entropic, organized to respond to human-noetic interventions by advancing to the next higher plateau of development. The physical universe and the human species were created to generate continuous development, overcoming all so called limits to growth.

Civilization has never had a resource shortage. We advanced from a wood based energy economy, to the exploitation of coal as a new resource, then oil and gas, to uranium based fission energy (still underutilized) to the potential of a fusion powered economy. This long wave of attaining higher levels of energy  thruput and energy flux-density, through scientific discovery, and inventing new technologies for new resources, is what we know as: human progress.

Anti-Human Axiom

We humans are transformers of the earth, contrary to the notion that the behavior of human society will harm the planet, as well as the less noxious view that humans are simply caretakers of the earth. In the words of the great German Philosopher, Gottfried Leibniz, there is a pre-established harmony between the noetic powers of the human mind and the physical universe in which we exist. There is no pristine or equilibrium state of nature; only development or lack of development for the human species. To accentuate this concept beyond any misunderstanding: human beings, endowed with the principle of creativity, are in harmony with the developing physical universe.

(Courtesy of LinkedIn)

Parsons Thomas Malthus, patron of the East India Company, a branch of the British oligarchy, espoused the unscientific theory that populations grew at a geometric rate and agricultural production increased only arithmetically. Thus, the deviant insisted, it was necessary to reduce the growth rate of the population. He proposed implementing this downright silly-unproven nonsense, by targeting poor people. He wrote the following in his 1798 book, An Essay on the Principle of Population:

Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into houses, and court the return of the plague.

Whether modern day zero-growthers admit it or not, they are hard core neo-Malthusians. They imbibe with gusto, the erroneous belief that people must be eliminated because human beings are incapable of producing resources for their existence. This baseless axiom forms the underpinning of green-environmentalism and deindustrialization today. In essence, denying scientific progress.

The World Wildlife Fund, now the Worldwide Fund for Nature, the granddaddy of the green-environmental movement, was imbued with neo-Malthusianism in its creation. It was founded in 1961 by Sir Julian Huxley, President of the Eugenics Society of Great Britain, Prince Bernhard, a former card carrying member of the Nazi Party, and Prince Phillip, who represented the highest echelon of the British Oligarchy. The now deceased Philip was known for his fanatical antihuman view. He is quoted in 1988, In  the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to solving overpopulation. 

Contrary to the belief of the followers “woke culture” of today, that they initiated the movement for zero population growth, the roots of this anti-human view of society were created for them hundreds of years earlier. They fail to realize that they are just Malthus’ donkeys mindlessly braying his evil ideology.

Mathew Ehret exposes the diametrically opposed pro-progress outlook of China and the BRICS, to the deindustrialization policies of the West in his essay: China-BRICS Choose Development. (See excerpt below)

USA vs. China Energy Paradigms

In the USA, overall national energy production has not only stagnated, but has actually fallen from 26,545 Terawatt hours (TWh) in 2000 to 25,825 TWh in 2021, with an increased slide projected into the coming decades by those same forces who 1) sabotaged America’s advanced energy policies over the past decades and 2) wish to induce energy scarcity onto a frightened populous in order to justify a culling of humanity to “sustainable levels”.

In contrast, China has used this same 21-year interval very differently, increasing its annual energy use from 12,470 TWh in 2000 to 43,791 TWh in 2021.

See Also
brown world map illustration PIN IT

The effects upon quality of life, per capita powers of labor, energy security, food production and educational opportunities have increased dramatically.

The one child limit (imposed by Kissinger and the Club of Rome 40 years ago) has been abolished, and average longevity, which was once led by the USA has been overtaken by China, which has lifted the average life expectancy from 44 years in 1963 to 77. 5 years today, and stands in stark contrast to the USA, whose average life expectance fell to only 76.1 years of age as of September 2022.

China’s purchasing power parity has also superseded that of the USA over the past few years.

(Courtesy of youtube.com)

How Smart Is Trump?

It is too early to know if President Trump will continue to attack China and the BRICS, becoming a stooge of the China bashing rules-based order. He has already threatened BRICS twice, an institution of over twenty nations, which is the point of the spear for the Global South. The BRICS bloc, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Indonesia, and the UAE), has a total population of around 3.3 billion, over 40% of the global population. BRICS countries account for approximately 46% of global GDP.

President Trump foolishly slapped sanctions on China within his first two weeks in office, and recently made accusations against South Africa, a leading member of the BRICS. There is no inherent conflict between the genuine self-interest of nations. The conflict emanates from the ravenous desire by Western political-financial oligarchy for supremacy. There is no objective reason that all nations cannot collaborate in fulfilling the common aim of humankind: the peaceful development of all nations.

If President Trump is as smart as he proclaims  to be, then he would understand that to make America great, we must make the World great.

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