Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer…
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There is a whole set of policies, projects, rules, and laws that Africans have been following—borrowed from Europe and America—which make no sense or are not useful to Africa, particularly in relation to our cultural heritage and identity. Wisdom dictates that when a system or practice does not serve the benefit of individuals or the community, it should be abandoned in favor of something new.
Life on earth is dynamic, and no single rule fits all when it comes to building a nation that is healthy, wealthy, and progressive.
One such borrowed policy that has not truly benefited African people is the justice or prison system—or, if you prefer, the correctional system.
In the context of the ancient African justice system, justice was not viewed from the perspective of destroying the offender or relegating them to the status of non-humans without purpose or the ability to change. Instead, justice was seen as a means of restoring the offender to balance—first with their purpose, then with the larger community. This was the justice system of Maat, a concept we have previously explored in this magazine.
Maat is a fundamental concept in the ancient African justice system, particularly in Kemet (now known as Egypt). It represents truth, justice, balance, and order, symbolized by a feather. Under Kemetic law, the 42 Laws of Maat were observed to uphold truth and prevent chaos.
In Kemetic cosmology, Maat was designed to maintain moral justice and divine order. The principle emphasizes the importance of truth and justice, remaining relevant in discussions about African spirituality and ethics today.
However, in Africa, we have embraced flawed systems inherited from Europe and the West, much like the corruption that has infiltrated our way of life. Justice has become a tool for settling scores between the rich and the poor, a means for politicians to silence dissent, and a business that serves those who can pay the most. Corrupt leaders rarely face jail time, while whistleblowers exposing corruption do.
Recently, a story was trending online about new prison policies in Burkina Faso. I sought more information, but reliable sources were scarce, as most reports came from bloggers. Interestingly, mainstream media remained largely silent on the matter. But I am not surprised—mainstream media rarely shares positive news about Africa. And believe me, this news is good, so I have no problem with their silence.
The Story
Burkina Faso has introduced a groundbreaking prison reform initiative focused on rehabilitation and agricultural development. Under the new criminal law, prisoners and those awaiting sentencing can work in the agricultural sector with a unique incentive: for every month worked, their sentence is reduced by three months.
This innovative approach aims to reduce prison overcrowding and promote restorative justice, marking a significant departure from traditional punitive methods. The reform was announced by Interim President Ibrahim Traoré, who emphasized that it aligns with African values and provides prisoners with an opportunity to contribute positively to society through agricultural work.
This initiative builds on previous government efforts to reform the prison system, such as assigning certain offenders to community service to alleviate overcrowding. The new agricultural program is part of President Traoré’s broader vision for reform and development in Burkina Faso.
(Source: Brave Search)
Now, I believe this story is true. But even if it isn’t, it presents a powerful Afro-cultural perspective on justice—one that prioritizes restoration over punishment rather than the business model justice has become. Offenders do not cease to be human simply because they have committed crimes. Just as an expired driver’s license does not mean a driver has forgotten how to drive, a person who has committed an offense still retains value and the potential for reform.
I love the idea that individuals who commit crimes should not waste their lives behind prison walls. This type of thinking should extend to other areas of society. With progressive policies like this, offenders can remain productive, contributing to food production for their families and the nation while also reducing their prison terms through meaningful labor. It is an absolutely brilliant approach.
Furthermore, I believe this new policy by President Traoré could be strengthened by incorporating educational programs within the prison system. Inmates should undergo restorative education and acquire skills such as civil engineering, road construction, computer engineering, AI development, fashion design, music production, landscaping, graphic design, photography, and more. The possibilities are endless. While working in agriculture to support the nation, they should also be preparing for successful reintegration into society.
A prison system should serve to physically restrain individuals only until they have undergone the necessary processes of restoration—not to stifle their minds or humanity. Kudos to President Traoré and the people of Burkina Faso. We must continue creating real solutions that reflect our true African identity.
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Samuel Phillips is a writer, graphic designer, photographer, songwriter, singer and a lover of God. As an Afrikan content creator, he is passionate about creating a better image and positive narrative about Afrika and Afrikans. He is a true Afrikan who believes that the true potential of Afrika and Afrikans can manifest through God and accurate collaborations between Afrikans. Afrika is the land of kings, emperors, original wisdom, ancient civilizations, great men and women and not some road-side-aid-begging poor third world continent that the world finds joy in undermining.