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There are so many contradictions in the narrative around food security in Africa and worldwide that I wonder how the storyline still stands – or how the people allow it to. If we really want a healthy population, we will look after our environment – water, soil, air – and safeguard our seed stocks and ensure they are strong and diverse – including sharing them around the continent (i.e. Africa). Some words ring in my head every time I think of hybrid seeds – declining virility. That’s a term we heard from those who have also spoken about the deadly GMO seeds… as have others around the continent. Declining virility means that the seed has continuing reducing power to produce – so what does it do to the human body? When we then turn our focus to GMOs which are designed to work with cancer-causing herbicides that kill soil health – and not only that, contain terminator genes – I mean, what are we doing? It defies logic that a generation of what is possibly the most intelligent and highly educated global population would continue to do such dumb things that are so evidently geared at producing death, rather than producing life. Our hearts at Msingi Afrika Magazine are heavy over this. But what must we do even as we see this evil spread its tentacles across the globe, taking with it the health of humans, the environment and the beautiful biodiversity we have enjoyed for thousands of years? We simply fight.

But our fight cannot only be through street protests that are soon taken over by goons in government and men of ill will. Our fight against GMOs and the effects of GMOs on our continent must involve clear knowledge and understanding of the evil of GMOs not just from the health aspect but also from understanding how local farmers of indigenous seeds are being tricked to their deaths by the many pseudo-philanthropy organizations and charities in Africa. We have to understand how GMOs can be engineered and used as a weapon of mass genocide targeted at a particular group or race of people or their indigenous crops and seeds.

And, in case you have not heard of the term “Terminator Gene”, it is a gene that is present in GMOs which allows them to corrupt the genes in organic crops and turn them into GMOs. This means that a farm with GMO crops can contaminate the organic farm across the road through the process of pollination, and the harvest from this contaminated farm will be the property of the owners of the GMO patent. This is a massive evil that we need to pay attention to. Imagine waking up in ten years’ time only to discover that all our indigenous organic crops have been turned into GMOs. Or that we can no longer plant seeds that were indigenous to us because a foreign seed company has bought up all the rights to the seeds. We must not allow that to happen.

Many wars are raging against Africa right now which we must fight to win. And the big fight facing us right now, which we cannot afford to lose, is the war against the Agro-colonization of Africa or the colonization of Africa’s seeds and food systems. Agro-colonization in Africa is the forceful or subtle takeover of Africa’s agriculture which includes indigenous seeds, indigenous farmlands, indigenous food systems and the introduction of GMOs by pseudo-farm corporations for globalist interests. And in case you have not noticed, the biggest weapon for future wars will not be nuclear weapons or AI, but the control of food and water. We must stop it from happening by saving indigenous organic seeds now.

We did a video about this issue a while back and we gave more comprehensive information about the evil of GMOs to humans and the environment, and what we must do to salvage things before they get out of hand.

The evil twins

For anyone who cares to listen, the issues we are faced with right now globally and even in Africa are not just the war against our indigenous seeds through the weapons of GMOs but also the pharmaceutical companies which are using humans as lab rats for their medicines which are byproducts of the petroleum industry. As I have already mentioned, what the pharmaceutical companies mostly do is create addictive medicines which only mask symptoms but do not cure diseases. After all, how can they make medicines that will cure diseases when their friends created the diseases in the first place? A friend wrote on his Facebook page and said:

“90% of the “food” in grocery stores today didn’t exist 90 years ago.
Guess what else?
90% of the diseases we face today didn’t either.”

Think about that.

Below is a post someone posted on their LinkedIn page and it captures what I am trying to say in this article.

“In the landscape of modern healthcare, a startling revelation emerges: despite the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, few, if any, are designed to cure. Dr. Joel Wallach’s assertion points to a grim reality—our health system prioritizes management over eradication. With over 250,000 drugs listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference, excluding a handful of antibiotics, none aim to cure. Instead, they manage symptoms, sustaining a cycle of dependency.

This interdependency between pharmaceuticals and insurance systems reveals a profound issue. The absence of legislation mandating the development of curative drugs underscores a systemic flaw. The focus remains on managing conditions, thereby ensuring continuous consumption of medications. This approach benefits pharmaceutical companies and insurance entities financially but leaves patients in a perpetual state of treatment without the hope of cure.

Imagine a world where the primary goal is not just to alleviate symptoms but to cure. The lack of such ambition speaks volumes about the priorities set by our healthcare infrastructure. It suggests that economic incentives overshadow the fundamental purpose of medicine—healing.

The current model of healthcare has thus evolved into a ‘sick care’ system, where managing disease takes precedence over curing it. This paradigm perpetuates a cycle of treatment that benefits industries economically but often at the cost of true patient wellness. It’s a call to rethink and reshape our approach, placing genuine health and cures at the forefront of medical innovation.”

See Also

It was not always so in Africa

This idiotic system called modern or pharmaceutical health-care or let me say death-scare, which values sickness, diseases and dependency on drugs in order to sell drugs, is so sick that it needs its own physician. But this physician is not meant to heal the sick system of pharmaceutical companies but to go back to the indigenous ways of healing which have been among indigenous peoples of the world from the beginning of time.

So, just like the issue of GMOs which kill original food crops in order to introduce false foods created in the labs, just so they can make more money, the pharmaceutical companies are also killing original indigenous health-care systems and practitioners. And we have seen this happen globally where holistic, natural or indigenous medicine practitioners just disappear or just die mysteriously. Killed by the very same system that profits from diseases and deaths. But this has not always been the case in Africa. So, what must we do?

We must embrace the practical aspect of Sankofa which mandates that we go back to the past to learn the wisdom required to deal with this sick age of modernity and many falsehoods. But do we still have the older Africans who have this knowledge? That’s a topic for another day.

Since we may not be able to wake every African at the same time, let those who have been awakened already begin to see life differently. Let them begin to make different food choices and lifestyle decisions. As much as it is possible, embrace more of nature and live in harmony with yourself and others. Build self-sustaining, eco-friendly communities where you can practice your own holistic medicine, indigenous organic farming and everything else required to live life above the corruption that has bedeviled this world. Let those who have land that they are using allow for the building of communities and gradually, we will begin to break free from the shackles of this global system that thrives on the slavery, disease and deaths of humanity.

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