Page 5 - Agenda 21
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15) Environmentalist groups force the Fish and Wildlife Service to stop commercial use of 187,000
square miles of Alaska’s north shore .......................................................................................... 34
16) Environmentalist regulations and litigation are dramatically hindering mitigation of beetle
infestation of 6.6 million acres of forest in Colorado and Wyoming .......................................... 71
17) Every county’s comprehensive master plan nationwide contains the same elements, the same
goals, the same processes, all of which are spelled out in AGENDA 21 and documents produced
by the PCSD ................................................................................................................................ 24
18) Falsely Designated Wetlands by the EPA .................................................................................... 31
19) Florida Forever owns or controls 10% of the land in Florida ..................................................... 33
20) Forced Closure Of Drakes Bay Oyster Company ........................................................................ 34
21) Hay is now a ”pollutant”, according to the EPA ......................................................................... 88
22) Hierarchy of "Councils" reporting to an apex to implement a predetermined outcome ........... 81
23) Illegally Dry Grass ...................................................................................................................... 34
24) Illegally Tall Grass ...................................................................................................................... 34
25) Julie Bass’ Illegal Front Yard Vegetable Garden ........................................................................ 33
26) Land trusts have operated more like government agents, acquiring easements from private
landowners, only to turn around and quietly sell them - sometimes for a profit - to state or
federal governments. .................................................................................................................. 64
27) Listen to this video by a professor at Stanford University advocating for the San Francisco .... 80
28) Man jailed for collecting rainwater in reservoirs on his property .............................................. 34
29) Martha Boneta charged with two additional violations of up to $5,000 each, one for
advertising a pumpkin carving and another for operating a small shop on her property. ........ 28
30) New Hampshire elected officials have no voting power on community planning policies created
by “Granite State Future" ........................................................................................................... 94