Page 115 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 115
while ago, I saw a meme to either Europe, America or any (East and West) saw the beauty
on Facebook by some- where else, is the very same one of working together and they are
one I really don't know, we as Afrikans give to ourselves. actually doing it. It was refreshing
A but the title of the Somehow, it's like Afrikans are even to know of such collaboration and
meme is "Robert Mugabe Quotes". helping non-Afrikans to hate Afri- I tell you of a truth, we need more
The quote says: kans like themselves. It sounds very of such. Why is this important? The
"When they move from Europe to weird but a closer look will show best way to steal land or anything
Africa = Voyages of discovery. you these things. from a family or a people is to keep
When we move from Africa to Eu- the siblings fighting themselves. This
rope = illegal immigrants. If you want to understand more is the true nature of divide and con-
A group of Africans in Europe = of what I am saying, post on your quer and also why the "wars" and
Refugees. Facebook timeline something like terror groups in Afrika don't end.
A group of Europeans in Africa = "As an Afrikan, which is the best For while Afrikans are fighting
Tourists. or worst Afrikan country you have themselves in the cities small air-
A group of Africans in the bush = traveled to?" You will be surprised at planes are taking minerals out of
Poachers. the volume of hate and bile pouring Afrika through hidden airstrips in
A group of Europeans in the bush out from Afrikans against them- the jungles.
= Hunters. selves in response to such question.
Black people working in a foreign Personally, these things make me Recently I read from different
country = Foreigners. wonder if Afrikans even under- sources that rich Afrikans are run-
White people working in a foreign stand that no matter which Afrikan ning out of Afrika to buy citizenship
country = Expatriates. country they are from, it is the same outside. While we run away to the
The world has failed Africa." problem of lack of development, false greener pastures, we leave open
globalist agenda to re-enslave them, the real greener pastures in Afrika
Certainly, all of the above are just the constant push by the foreign na- for hyenas to ravage.
the tip of the iceberg of some of tions to steal their resources or even
the many issues we face as Afrikans exterminate them that they all are Why do we hate our
especially in relation to the world. facing. All Afrikan nations are deal- differences?
And by the world I mean nations ing with the same issues of weak I remember when I first came to
that are not in Afrika or those that and compromised governments and Kenya in 2016, I had issues with the
are not Afrikans. the one sure way that Afrikans in food at first. I was used to the Ni-
To speak the truth, I think the entire Afrika can make changes or create gerian recipes that use quite a lot of
world has wronged Afrikans one anything meaningful out of the spices like pepper for meals unlike
way or the other and there is need Afrikan narrative is to work togeth- the Kenyan food that lacks those
for changes. But the bigger truth for er. Afrikans need to create what they spices. It was hard at first but after
me really is that Afrikans themselves want and not that mindless bile and a while, I got used to it. The ques-
are the very problems of Afrikans. hate they throw at each other. tion now is this. Did the Kenyan
I know this claim will not go down food change in order for me to like
well with many, especially because I They love when we fight it? Not at all. The only thing that
do not have luxury of a huge space ourselves changed was me and my mindset.
to give lots of examples. But let me The other day I saw an article that I simply grew up. I simply realized
start by saying, we Afrikans simply was talking about some young that God enjoys our diversity and
hate and undermine our own Afri- Ugandans and Nigerians working that's why He made us different and
kaness and thus whatever the white together to create a children's ani- it will be nothing but foolishness on
man or yellow man or even any oth- mation series that will be premiered my part to use my difference as tool
er "color man" does to us is nothing on Disney sometime in 2023 or so. for bile and hate. So for me, lots of
compared to what we do with and I was so excited that such a collab- people need to grow up and realize
against ourselves. This is my opinion oration is happening. I love such that their biases and mindsets about
and I think I am entitled to one. collaborations not because they have a thing or against others does not
anything to do with Disney (of a make them so.
As an Afrikan, if you have traveled truth we should have our own Dis- And that's why when I see educat-
around Afrika, you will notice that neys and Netflixs or any other name ed people speak or write mindless
the very same ill-treatment Afrikans we choose by now) but because things or casting shade about the
receive when they go out of Afrika Afrikans from two different regions