Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 54

Innovate Afrika

          As president, Edgar Lungu, hit back   Along with the spreading of an-
          at critics and said:               ti-China propaganda, xenophobic
          “I implore you to ignore the mis-  attacks on Chinese nationals are also
          leading headlines that seek to malign   on the increase. It would appear
          our relationship with China by mis-  that the resentment felt by a few is
          characterising our economic cooper-  being fuelled by the same anti-China
          ation to mean colonialism.”        critics. In other words the xenopho-
          The Finance Minister, Margaret     bia is opposition run as is evident
          Mwanakatwe, put the record straight   in an article from Xinhuanet which
          and told critics that of the total   reported a demonstration held by
          interest paid to creditors in the   Zambian miners in Kitwe City, Cop-
          first half of 2018 only 30% was to   perbelt Province to protest against
          China.                             opposition politicians who have    learning about nuclear technology,
          Leading Zambian economist and      been inciting xenophobic attacks on   including its multiple uses, medical
          head of Zambia’s Private Sector    Chinese investors.                 and agricultural, apart from energy
          Development Association Yosuf                                         production. The journalist have
          Dodia said that Chinese investment   The Road to Zambian Transfor-    since tackled the many misconcep-
          should be seen as an opportunity   mation:                            tions held by the public on nuclear
          not a burden.                                                         technology.
                                             Energy Sector Developments
          “Zambia has been dominated by                                         Dr Roland Msiska, said:
          the West for 100 years… and we are   Zambia, like all sub-Saharan African   “Nuclear is the technology of
          seeing poverty all over the conti-  countries, has an acute energy short-  Zambia’s future”…”One nice thing
          nent,” he said.                    age.Only 25% of its urban popula-  about nuclear programme, because
          On Zambia`s relationship to China   tion and 3% of its rural population   of the length in which you have to
          he said “The partnership level is   have access to electricity.       plan, about 200 years, you’ll have to
          around $10bn – and that is good.   Currently 90% of Zambia`s electric-  think inter-generationally because
          There is no other country that of-  ity is from hydro-power. Between   that’s four generations. That’s 20
          fers those kinds of opportunities.”  2015-2016 Zambia lost power      presidents, if you are talking about
                                             capacity and the economy dropped   each president [serving for] 10 years.
          That is the general consensus of Af-  by 40%.This was a result of pro-  You have to plan inter-generational-
          rican governments who defend the   longed regional drought which made   ly and implement inter-generation-
          Chinese model. Compared to other   existing hydropower ineffective.   ally.”
          creditors ( like the IMF) Chinese   Nuclear energy would be a far more
          banks offer far better terms. The in-  reliable source of power generation   As key to initiating the nuclear
          terest is, in some cases, non-existent   in African countries such as Zam-  program, government started the
          or else at very low rates of interest.   bia that are prone to drought when   Centre for Nuclear Science and
          There are lengthy periods of grace   under the adverse effects of the El   Technology which is a vehicle for
          before payments commence and       Niño weather system.               training personnel who will operate
          much longer re-payment periods.                                       the plant and will advance Zambia
          And unlike Western banks, the      Recent years have seen great interest   in science and technology.
          Chinese banks are lending, extend-  in pushing forward Zambia`s nucle-  The design, feasibility study and
          ing credit for the express purposes   ar program. Under the presidency   approvals for the project have been
          of uplifting the standard of living   of Edgar Lungu steps were taken to   concluded but as of March 2020,
          of African nations by funding hard   fast track a nuclear power program.  finances are still being arranged
          infrastructure.                                                       between Zambia and Russia.
                                             In April 2019, Dr Roland Msiska,
          In 2018, at the historic Forum for   Head of Zambia`s Atomic Agency   There are 2 phases of construction,
          China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)   (ZAMATOMA), led a delegation of    the first being the construction of
          in Beijing, Zambia secured a $30   officials and journalists to the annual   a Center for Nuclear Science and
          million interest-free loan and a $30   ATOMEXPO which is held in So-  Technology and the second phase
          million grant .                    chi, Russia, and run by ROSATOM.   will be construction of a nuclear
                                             The journalists were tasked with   power plant of 2,400 megawatts

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