Page 56 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 56

Innovate Afrika

                                                                                      The cream on top
          family members.                    went bust, Danone took over the          In Africa, dairy is often political,
                                             whole company in 2019, using it as a     with direct interests extending to
          Sahel says it is taking a “private sec-  base to expand its reach across West   the highest levels of government.
          tor-led and market-based approach   Africa, including in Nigeria, where it   No more so in Kenya, where the
          to solve the problems inherent in   has a “backward integration” project
          the dairy sector”, but it completely   with Ogun State.                     family of the President, Uhu-
          sidesteps the biggest problem: im-                                          ru Kenyatta, owns Brookside
          ports of cheap, subsidised powdered   All of the local dairy projects       Dairy, the largest dairy processor
          milk. The project’s attempt to shift   that these foreign corporations      in East Africa. Brookside has
          herders to expensive, European-style   are pursuing should be properly      attracted several foreign part-
          dairy farming is thus doomed to    understood as fronts, designed to        ners, including Abraaj Group
          fail, just as the Zimbabwean farmers   distract from the massive amounts    of Dubai, which held a 10%
          did at Shonga and all past efforts to   of money they siphon out of Africa   stake via a fund partly owned
          “modernise” Nigeria’s dairy sector   from their sales of cheap, excess      by the Bill and Melinda Gates
          have. This is, after all, the main rea-  powdered milk. The system is built   Foundation before its collapse in
          son why herders from Nigeria and   on heavily subsidised overproduc-        2018, and the French dairy giant
          the surrounding countries, who have   tion in Europe, North America and
          had no problem meeting Nigeria’s   Australia/New Zealand. That excess       Danone, which currently holds a
          galloping consumption of beef over   gets dumped into Africa, mainly in     40% stake.
          the past decades, have been shut out   the form of fat-filled milk pow-
          of the dairy market.               der, where it is processed and sold      Brookside is expanding beyond
                                             to urban consumers at prices that        its borders through the acqui-
          A milk mafia                       undercut the supply of wholesome         sition of other politically-con-
                                             local milk. In 2019 Africa imported      nected dairy companies in
          Similar scenarios are mushroom-    2.1 million tonnes of dairy products     neighbouring countries. In 2016,
          ing across Africa. It is no wonder.   worth some USD5.3 billion, up         Brookside took over Inyange,
          The continent’s fast-growing urban   from 1.46 million tonnes in 2009,      Rwanda’s top food processing
          populations represent a pot of gold   worth USD3.6 billion).                company connected to President
          for dairy corporations. Friesland-                                          Paul Kagame’s party. And, the
          Campina made a whopping USD        Donors insist that Africa’s reli-
          48 million in profit from its Nigeria   ance on imports can be resolved     year before it bought the former
          operations in 2019. Now it wants   by “modernising” their farms and         Ugandan Dairy Corporation,
          to double its revenues in Africa by   supply chains. The Gates Founda-      which had been privatised
          expanding in other countries such as   tion supports multiple initiatives   through a scandalous corrupt
          Côte d’Ivoire, where the company’s   in Africa to boost per farm milk       bidding process and acquired by
          recently acquired dairy plant relies   production by replacing local breeds   a family close to President Yow-
          entirely on imports. When asked    with high-yielding breeds and intro-     eri Museveni, who himself is ru-
          about this lack of local sourcing,   ducing commercial animal feeds and     moured to be one of Brookside’s
          FrieslandCampina’s West Africa di-  pharmaceuticals, such as the East       leading suppliers of milk through
          rector, Roger Adou, said the compa-  Africa Dairy Development Project       his large-scale ranches.
          ny was in the process of building an   in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.
          “ecosystem” of local dairy farmers   So too do the governments of the
          trained in Dutch farming methods.   Netherlands, France and Denmark--
          “You cannot blame multinational    home base to the largest companies
          corporations for the poor organisa-  exporting dairy to Africa.
          tion of local supply chains,” he said.  Meanwhile, the Economic Com-
                                             munity of West African States has
          Another big player in Africa is the   launched a five-year “dairy offen-
          French dairy giant Danone, which   sive” based on the same model, as
          joined forces with the Dubai-based   its member states move ahead with
          private equity company Abraaj      trade deals with Europe that will
          Group to take over the Ghana dairy   reduce tariffs on milk powder from
          company Fan Milk. After Abraaj     a feeble 5% to zero!                 Ankole Long-horned cattle, indigenous to
                                                                                the Ankole region in Uganda. Photo: Nobert
                                                                                              Petro Kalule
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