Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 24
P. 30
The Environment
racialized poverty, resource
wars, forced migration; as well
as the onslaught of hurricanes,
forest fires and disease. These
intersections are where “lived
experience” guides the most
sophisticated strategies to
dismantle multiple facets of
colonial rule, with communities
and workers designing and
building new systems tailored
to meet their needs.
Number Five:
Real solutions must
advance deep, direct, and
participatory democracy,
rooted in local self-
the power and influence of supported agriculture,
corporations; eliminating many models for economic
Real solutions need to be their influence over neoliberal relocalization align with
democratically determined and policy arenas that promote deepening and broadening
governed locally, involving false solutions; prioritizing democratic governance and
the collective leadership of local democratic vision, and the community self-determination.
communities and workers essential needs of all peoples,
historically most harmed and and returning what is owed to Number Six:
impacted by the extractive those most historically harmed. Real solutions must centre
Over time, we need to build the leadership and needs
more democratic models of of those presently and
While neoliberal policies governance that replace present historically most harmed.
are based on the ideological concentrations of wealth and
premise that corporations have corporate influence with tools Communities that continue to
the best interest of people that deepen democracy such be first and most harmed by
and the environment at heart, as participatory budgeting and both climate change, as well as
corporations are actually like participatory policy-making. the economic systems causing
machines that will always be climate change, are owed a
guided by their profit-motive. Like community-owned energy, historic debt from those whose
Any real solutions need to zero waste, and community- growing wealth continues to
be aligned with reining in
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