Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 44

The Environment

                                                                                   Finally, of critical importance,

                                                                                   a significant part of the human
                                                                                   population currently has no
                                                                                   access to electricity, clean water

                                                                                   and  sufficient  food.  Simple
                                                                                   social justice demands we
                                                                                   prioritize extending renewable
                                                                                   energy to the people who need
                                                                                   basic energy resources the most.

                                                                                   Along with accepting limits, we
                                                                                   need to look critically at each

                                                                                   proposed development and ask
                                                                                   important questions: Has it been
                                                                                   endorsed by the local people it
             Economics, Scale and Offsets       Further, from U.S. Renewable       will most affect? Does it supply
                                                Energy Credits (RECs) to           local needs?  What  would it

             Ideally, new solar and wind        carbon  offsets  in  the  United   entail elsewhere in supplying
             development should be planned      Nations (UN) backed Paris          components? How long will
             and run by and for communities.    Agreement Article 6, and Shell     it last? How can its parts be
             Often these programs are built     Oil’s electricity tariff offsets in   recycled or safely disposed of?

             to a large-scale to justify the    the U.K., the Netherlands and
             corporate model impacting local    Australia, all over the world      Keys to a sustainable future are
             land, communities and ecology.     renewable energy can be sold       relocalizing and decolonizing. A
             Resistance against proposed        as  offsets  that  allow  polluting   region that can supply most of its

             large-scale wind or solar farms    corporations to claim net-         own food and other necessities
             is based on corporate developers   zero or carbon neutrality (see     is more secure than one that
             coming in from the outside         Carbon Pricing). Large-scale       depends on long supply chains.
             and imposing changes that          wind  farms  have  displaced       Wind and solar power can allow

             benefit  utility  companies  and   communities in Maharashtra,        future generations some of the
             shareholders,  not  the  affected   India  and  have  sold  offset    conveniences we have come
             community.     Similarly,    the   credits to polluters in the global   to take for granted, but for this
             current model in which large       North through the UN-backed        to happen within a framework

             utilities have huge, centralized   Clean Development Mechanism        of justice, sustainability and
             generation sites from which        (CDM) for years.[4]                environmental protection, the
             they send power to people over                                        overdeveloped world must go
             a wide area is disempowering,      Energy Inequality and Social       on an energy diet.

             as ratepayers are dependent on     Justice
             corporate utilities.

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