Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 26
P. 69
Art & Culture
Plastic Art 2019 census, so I became curious and
stuck my ear to the Kabambe radio
Explores for a whole week. It did not shock me
that Nairobi had approximately three
the Issue of to four million residents, and Mathare,
my former home, was ranked among
the highest-populated areas with the
Managing Waste most deplorable lifestyle quality. The
high population was contributed to by a
Wanyama Ogutu, Nairobi Kenya. high rate of fertility among low-income
families and rural-urban immigration,
hence extracting a large amount of waste
to my door every Friday night. He babbled with garbage. Before the ban on plastic bags,
prayer, chanting, “Jehoba Niso!” “Jehoba Jile!”. On the Kenyan government had announced
Saturday, the one-eyed man never failed to make that plastic waste was causing an
noise after taking puffs of Jaba (bhang) and sips of unhealthy lifestyle. Japan, India, South
“chang’aa’ (illicit liquor) “ at the next rusty bar near Africa, and Nigeria are facing the same
Gorofa Ya Juu primary school. On Sunday, a mixture challenges as Nairobi. According to
of churchgoers took over the atmosphere at the same a BBC Africa edition report, plastic
Gorofa Ya Juu primary school with the noises of the garbage increases daily with the increase
gods of their tribe. I used to see dreadful small boys in population in urban cities in Africa.
and girls, men and women, searching for garbage One night, I listened to my county
while making a loud, sexy noise of laughter. Some government official on a radio talk
even constructed a shelter with plastic bags, and they show, and he said that waste garbage in
were living as families. Fighting and chaos never the city of Nairobi contributes to about
failed to erupt among themselves, and only police 3,000 tons of garbage waste per day.
near Huruma Station could make them settle down. However, he failed to justify why low-
That is how the plastic art depicted the true-life story income areas of Mathare, Kariobangi,
of Nairobi’s low-income dwellers. and Dandora in Nairobi were used as
dumping sites.
The last time I heard a census count from the Kenya
National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), I had secured The United Nations (UN) on climate
a job as a teacher at a low-income school in Buru change has recognized the issue of
Buru. To flee the invasion of rats, I took refuge in plastic waste disposal as a serious
the Githurai area because I also had long to ride on environmental problem in major cities in
Mbogi (a local commuter train) snaking to Ruiru. Africa. They have stated that over 100
During that period, I heard that the President of million metric tons of plastic need to be
the Republic of Kenya was releasing the KNBS dealt with by the year 2040, particularly
ISSUE 26 | APRIL 2024 69