Page 78 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 78
ur world is going through various truth has created a massive era of confusion
levels of changes and it’s sometimes for our young and growing population. And
very difficult to keep up, especially the question is, what must one do in the face
Owhen it seems that the goalpost of of changing trends that are affecting our
morality and right keeps moving with each world so negatively?
passing day. The definition of right or truth
has changed so much to the point where lies In the labyrinth of life’s challenges, we
and fakeness are celebrated as progressive often find ourselves at a crossroads, facing
and modernity while truth and realness are decisions that test our principles and
called unprogressive thinking. And this character. In these moments of uncertainty,
breakdown in society’s ability to stay true to one guiding principle stands out: do the right
| we tell the true afrikan story