Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 34
The Environment
mining sites, but none
of them ask questions
or attempt to halt
the operations until
appropriate mining
structures and safety
and health regulations
are followed. If I’m
not mistaken, most
countries attend
the annual climate
change conferences,
and the majority of
the investor nations
occurring. The offer of work to young boys appear to be very concerned even though
and girls is a hope shared by all those in they are the ones destroying the environment
the backseat of civilization. Every parent is and disregarding the welfare of the people
happy, but the results are surprising. Without and the environment in the areas where they
considering the downstream dependencies, conduct business, particularly in Africa.
some investors even go so far as to redirect Simply put, governments should enforce
rivers rather than burying pipes that siphon tight regulations to ensure that health and
water to the mines. safety protocols are followed before mining
operations. Currently, mining operations
Every day, mountains vanish without a trace, are making poverty worse rather than
and anyone who dares to question them faces permanently eradicating it.
the possibility of being imprisoned.
Mining and Underdevelopment
Remember that open shafts are left when
minerals are depleted, and no one is Most investment businesses neglect and
concerned about the welfare of the livestock even destroy what was there, even though
or wildlife. These regions serve as grazing there should be testimony of progress to
grounds for animals. The same rivers that offer after mining, some corporate social
people use to wash their clothes, get drinking duties to list, and even responsiveness. Good
water, and wash their dishes are tainted with road networks existed before these investors
pollutants like mercury. The ramifications took over some areas, but they destroyed
will become apparent later, when it is too them with large machinery, and locals now
late, even though the repercussions may demand the roads to be repaired or even
not be seen today. Surprisingly, there are improved. The majority of the roads have
environmentalists and health officers in these large potholes, and some are impassable due
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