Page 107 - A People Called Afrika
P. 107
unable to overcome in the Monrovia group when they sat
to chart the course of Afrika’s future while delicately hold-
ing the possibility of actually overcoming colonial imperial-
ism for good. It wasn’t so much that his peers did not un-
derstand Nkrumah’s vision, nor was it that they did not
understand its potential benefits – rather it was that they had
other priorities that would have been rendered redundant
if a true commonality of purpose i.e. the true liberty of Af-
rika, were agreed upon and achieved. There is nothing else
that justifies the decisions that they made on the national or
continental scene at that crucial moment in Afrika’s history.
Debt, what debt?
It has never made sense that Afrika would take loans and pay
debts to a global system that exploited it to such a great ex-
tent socio-economically and politically for generations. The
total value of whatever was stolen from Afrika, which was
largely responsible for their ‘ascension’ to the realms they
created of developed or advanced nations, is far greater than
what they claim Afrika owes them. If anything, all the mon-
ies given to Afrika should be considered refunds for the eco-
nomic pillaging that Europe and other countries have under-
taken in Afrika and the social devastation that was created,
and all debts should be cancelled forthwith. Furthermore,
Afrikan countries need to be bold about this position, espe-
cially considering that no reparations have ever been made
for slavery, maiming, murder, theft, oppression, torture, ex-
ploitation, disease and every single human rights abuse visit-
ed upon the Afrikan continent for the simple fact of having
what the world wanted in the pre, post and neocolonial era.
Additionally, that which it is said that Afrika owes to China