Page 105 - A People Called Afrika
P. 105
hidden and manipulative approaches taken by Britain or
the USA in their approach to influencing Afrika’s post-colo-
nial policy using debt, aid, threats and economic pressures
such as sanctions etc., or membership in the falsehood of
a commonwealth for former British colonies in alliance
with Britain, which does not earn its members any com-
mon wealth, but rather seems only to gain the former colo-
nizer access to the coffers of lands it still claims as part of
its wealth and the carrot and stick approach of the US in
using AGOA to influence local policy in Afrikan countries.
As Nkrumah intimated, neocolonialism knows no short-
age of strategies it will use to effect control. It is, howev-
er, sufficient to know that the colonial aspirations of the
former colonialists and the imperialist objectives of all
Western and Eastern countries all seem geared at max-
imizing what they can get from Afrika, with little care
or interest as to what will be the outcome for the Afrikan.
In the article titled: “Unite and Conquer: The New Scram-
ble for Afrika”, published in Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4,
Samuel posits that the new wave of control being carried out
by the grandsons of the colonialists is governed not by divide
and conquer strategies of old, but by unite and conquer strat-
egies. The hallmark of this novel approach is the invitation
to dine at the table of the foreign nations, making it look as if
Afrika has finally arrived. The table, however, is symbolic of
the mirrors and glass that the colonialists used to deceive those
they colonized. It is actually not a table of equitable wealth
distribution, but rather one that is yet another subtle ruse to
put Afrika and its economies under increased stress of debt,
in the name of development and thereby keep them firmly un-