Page 231 - A People Called Afrika
P. 231
The New Afrikan Union
Thoughts and practical solutions
• As already noted in the AU Agenda 2063, it is im-
portant to expedite the issuing of the African Passport.
This will create the much needed African citizenship, ease
of movement and settlement for Afrikans within Afrika.
It is absurd and irresponsible for the governments of Afri-
kan nations to call any Afrikan alien, foreigner or even ref-
ugee, and to shut them out, while allowing with open arms
the real foreigners because they come in as tourists with lots
of spending money, investment capital, loans and aid that
have turned Afrika into debt-ridden new business colonies.
• Since these administrative borders are not real, it
means we must begin to remove the mental borders that have
been programmed into the minds of our people, by not just
openly calling for visa removal, but to much more create av-
enues for inter-Afrikan events that will in turn create com-
munication and friendship between Afrikans. We must ask
ourselves, why it is that the first reaction Afrikans have when
they meet each other is that of criminality and not brother-
hood. The answer to this question will set Afrikans free.
• Create a very flexible system of movement that al-
lows Afrikans who intend to do air, road, rail or ocean trips
across or around Afrika to do so without hassles. It should
be specifically visa free for such Afrikan travelers who are
journeying through multiple Afrikan countries. Special AU
stamps on their passports can help to identify such travelers
which should also mandate security personnel to assist them
as they pass through any of the countries along their journey.
It will create the much-needed Afrikan relationship, commu-
nication, love among Afrikans, idea sharing, trade, arts, more