Page 7 - A People Called Afrika
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“A re-telling of the Afrikan narrative, of strength, honour, creativity, inno-
vation and all the beautiful things in between”. A People called Afrika.
This book is quite literally “Food for thought!” Beautifully pre-
pared, and served.
It’s a captivating, thought provoking, mindset challenging, pro-
found read. It’s caused me to stop and go back to ask deep
questions regarding my identity and my purpose as an Afrikan
in the sphere of influence that God has placed me.
A must read in this season. God’s call to Afrika and Afrikans;
for action, re-emergence....Spiritual and Physical Rebirth!
God bless you Samuel and Chioma Phillips.
Wairimu Jacqueline Gachihi.
Life - Community - Strategic Leadership. Kenya.
Reading the book “A People Called Afrika” will cause you to
review your mindset on Afrika.
Ronnie Komora.
Development Finance Expert. Kenya.
This work by Chioma and Samuel Phillips is very crucial for
our world today. They have successfully retold the African story
in simple and unambiguous language. They traced the origin of
the African people and their innovative and creative spirit which
conventional history overlooked because it did not fit into their
plot. According to an African proverb, ’until the Lion learns to
write, every story will glorify the hunter’. Africans are now writ-
ing their own story from the African perspective. This book is an