Page 78 - A People Called Afrika
P. 78
Our hearts long for the day just one Head of State in Afri-
ka will wake up and bring together custodians of indige-
nous knowledge from Afrika; create an institution of Afri-
kan knowledge where this ancient knowledge can be put
together, reviewed, developed and given wings to fly by the
new generation of Afrikans. We can make anything hap-
pen in Afrika. So, wake up Afrikans, shake yourselves free
from the control of money and the so-called funding that
are nothing but tools of neo-colonization. A cycle of life is
about to end and you are in the last epoch of wisdom that
will guide this generation to the fountain of the life of God.
Life began with you, oh Afrika the cradle of Hu-
manity, went through various civilizations and king-
doms and has now come back to you, who men right-
ly called the seventh continent. You are indeed the
seventh and you are perfect from the day you were made.
There is life outside of this plane we know, do you dare to
break away from this matrix and find out?
The choice is YOURS.