Page 104 - Agenda 21
P. 104

Page 104 of 121

             Question #15. “During this period, CH4 concentrations have more than doubled…” Page 6
             GCI. Global levels of methane increased for decades in the 20th century as a result of worldwide
             industrial and agricultural activity. Then, from the 1980s through 2005, they leveled off. Please
             explain why.

             Question #16. “Climate change has caused a reduction in Arctic sea ice…” Page 7 GCI. Please
             explain the increase in the Antarctic ice mass.

             Question #17. “Release of methane currently trapped in frozen ground in the Arctic tundra will
             increase with regional warming…” Page 7 GCI. Please explain why measured atmospheric methane
             levels have been so stable.

             Question #18. “Scientists estimate precipitation could increase between 12 and 35 percent by 2050,
             which in turn could increase sea level by 12‐ 18 inches by 2050…” Page 7 GCI. Please explain what
             justification there is to accept these computer modeled-future out to 2050, when these models were
             unable to predict the current lack of global warming. Please explain why these models did not predict
             the observed approximate 7-12 inches per century ocean level rate-of-rise. Please explain the
             observed stable sea surface temperature even as CO2 levels have risen

             Question #19. “Health and Environmental Impacts” “Changes in Air Quality” “Floods and
             Droughts” “Wildfires” “Biodiversity and Habitat” Pages 8,9 GCI. Please give factual evidence for
             these speculative claims. The actual historical record provides no consistent pattern for any of these

             Question #20. “A recent Pacific Institute study estimates a 1.4 meter sea level rise will occur over
             the next century and "put 480,000 people at risk…” Page 10 GCI. Why are you giving credence to
             an activist organization whose president is a disgraced scientist accused of using fraudulent
             measures to hack into another organization?
    Such computer
             studies will produce whatever results their
             programmers have built into them via assumptions, valid or not.
             Questions emailed to Director of Planning & Staff on Mon 3/11/2013 10:23 AM

             Question #21. * Where did you get the information on "Climate Change" because there has been no
             increase in temperature in 15 years? Even Phil Jones, whose studies the IPCC's position is based
             on, said there hasn't been any "significant" change in more than ten years. As Aliso Viejo’s GCI
             references the United Nation’s IPCC numerous times, Why is the following chart not being included in
             the GCI? Please add this chart and it’s support documentation to the GCI, or clearly explain why it is
             being left out.”




             1)     Place individual property rights first in all planning negotiations and actions.

             2)     Refuse federal or state money for new Sustainable Development programs and transition out
             of existing ones.

             3)     Do not accept grant money without examining all of the attached stipulations.

             4)     Avoid consortiums for the purpose of obtaining grant money.
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