Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 24





         By Chioma Phillips

                            hen  I was a    mediators of this sad, limiting and  rules of engagement.
                            girl, I had a lot   disturbing  covenant,  were (and
                            of  conflicting   still are) women.                 And then I understood something.
                            data    about   Feminists included.                 Not one human who had laid out or
        Wwhat it means                                                          enforced these  things had a  clue
        to be a woman. It’s a long tiring list   I  grew  up  around  boys,  I  had  what they were talking about, what
        that I can only include a (very brief)   thoughts  and  ideas  that rarely  they were doing,  why they were
        sample of. Women are: supposed      fitted  in  to  the  (ever  expanding)  doing  it...  not one. Every single
        to be in  the  kitchen,  beautiful,   list above. I read books, watched  last  one of  them had created  a
        clean  and  neat,  entertaining,    movies  and  listened  to music  contextual hybrid  that  they used
        well  dressed  and  composed  and   that  certainly  all  contributed  to  to  ‘define  the  feminine’  and  had
        turned out, able to produce strong   the  distortions.  And  I  was  one  laid out  guidelines  by  which this
        healthy boys, look after everyone,   confused little girl, who eventually  imposter to  femininity  -  the anti-
        please  everyone  (parents  and  in-  grew up into one confused woman  feminine  - was  meant to  operate
        laws included), stand by their man   who was  often  greatly  exploited  under.  And  I  couldn’t  take  it
        ‘no matter what’, be strong yet     by  the  community  around  her  -  anymore.
        weak, hard to get but not too hard,   who were  equally  confused  in
        great  in  bed  and  in  the  kitchen,   their own right, but because they  Thankfully, God had  mercy on
        not be too fat or too thin, not be   had accepted and were playing by  me and put an end to my misery
        too tall or too short, not sit or lie   the  rules  around them... life was  by showing me one crucial thing,
        or eat or talk ‘like that’, be hard to   much easier for them. Coming to  His original intention, contained in
        get but not ‘too hard to get’, strong,   ‘salvation’  didn’t  change  much. If  these passages:
        joyful... the list goes on depending   anything it made it worse, because
        on family, community, tribe, tongue   now I needed to do all these things  Genesis  1:26-28  Then  God  said,
        and nation.                         ‘as unto Christ’ and because I really  “Let  Us make  man in  Our image,
                                            wanted to please Him, I sweated to  according to Our likeness; let them
        The  funny  thing  is  that  though   make all these things perfect and  have dominion over the fish of the
        most of these  ‘standards’  of      precise,  ‘in  the  Lord’.  And  I  was  sea, over the birds of the air, and
        the  feminine  were  defined  and   tired! I oscillated between rebellion  over the  cattle,  over all  the  earth
        outlined  by men ... and mostly     against  and  conformity  to (and  and over every creeping thing
        made up along the  way - a lot      yes,  to  my shame, enforcement  that creeps on the earth.”  So God
        of the  time,  the  enforcers  and   of) these most stupid and obtuse  created man in His own image; in
    24                                 HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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