Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 27

        to come into place, the male and  and sweating  that  humanity  has     whatever  the  societal  definition,
        the  female sides  of God must  found itself  engaged  in.  It  is  not   but a real man is that one who has
        come back into unity but not in the  about role play between both male   submitted his will to God by the way
        way that  the  society  has  created  and female, but about responding   of the cross of Christ, taken up his
        gender roles, and not even as what  in  real  time  to whatever God     mandate to keep watch over God’s
        we have  turned  marriage to be,  wants.  Meaning  that  the  issue     purpose and who is making room
        but as God sees Himself in each.  is  not about  who cooks  the         for God to prevail both in him and
        The role play for a man, unlike my  meal, who brings  the  money for    in the female side of God attached
        good “friends”  had  suggested  is  groceries,  who takes  out  the     to him. He is no longer moved or
        not  toiling  and  sweating  to bring  garbage, in whose name the bank   troubled by what
        food to  the  table.  For when  God  account is opened and the many     the  society  calls  role  play but  is
        told  Adam  to  tend  and  keep,  He  other things we call roles, but it’s   only moved by what God says.
        didn’t  show him  the  picture  of  about allowing the flow of God in
        using  his  hands  to till  the earth,  whomever  He  chooses  to  use.  A
        but the picture of using  spoken  true man who has aligned with his     To you man, she is no longer your
        words, just as He God had spoken  God given  purpose and  mandate       flesh and bone. And for you woman,
        all things into being.              to keep  watch over the  purpose    your  desire  shall  no longer be  to
                                            of  God  on  earth  will  make  room   your physical  husband.  For both
        The male as room maker for the  for the woman who is the womb           the male and female have become
        female.                             that tends, nurtures and births the   the flesh and bones of Jesus and
        There  are  lots  of issues  in  our  realities of God. He will allow her   both their desires must be to Him.
        societies  regarding  gender  roles,  and  also  encourage  her  to  have   And you know what, upon such man,
        ratio of male to female in the labor  her own expression in God.        woman, family/marriage  which
        force, gender equality and so on.  To tend and to keep is both for the   has  created  a  garden  expression
        I believe  all  these  things  are  the  male  and  female  simultaneously   for  God  to  come  have  His  rest  in
        direct physical  implications  of  and they who understand this will    the cool of the day will the eternal
        that which is deeply spiritual and  by no means go off the track that   realities  of God rest.  They have
        that is already completed in God.  God sets for humanity.               become  the  tabernacle  of God
        Galatians 3:26-29  says, “For you                                       upon  which  His  glory  will  dwell...
        are all sons of God through faith in  Re-definition                     they  have  become the expression
        Christ Jesus.  For as many of you  In the eyes of God there is neither   of the  marriage of the  Lamb and
        as were baptized into Christ have  male or female, boy or girl etc as   His  wife,  bearing  a  covenant  that
        put on Christ.    There is  neither  it  relates  to role  play.  Everyone   cannot fail.
        Jew nor Greek, there is  neither  is  simply  a  vessel  to carry out
        slave nor free, there is  neither  the  plans  and  purposes  of God
        male  nor female; for you are  all  whichever way He, God, wants it.
        one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are  So  to you  man who  has  been
        Christ’s,  then  you are  Abraham’s  given  roles  to play by family,
        seed,  and  heirs  according  to the  society,  religious  institutions,
        promise.” This simply means that  government etc, you will come
        all  gender  issues  are  completely  out  of such  burdens  if  you align
        taken  away  in  order  to restore  yourself with the original intention
        man  back  to  the  original  plan  of  of  God  for you which  is  to  keep
        God. But  in  the  physical:  gayism  watch diligently over the garden or
        and  trans-genderism  is  what  we  whatever mandate God has given
        see,  which  is a twisted  form  of  you. You don’t  have  to measure
        what  God  intends  when  He  said  yourself by the  standards  of the
        “there is neither male or female”.  world or society or measure your
        Truth be told, everything that God  manliness by how much you have
        intends  for a  man to accomplish  in  your  bank  account,  how  fine
        for  Him  will  always  be  tied  to  and fast your car is or how large
        the  woman  (wombed man)  who  your  house is. This is not your God
        carries the ability to tend, nurture  given burden or purpose. All God
        and bring to birth such reality. This  called you to do is to simply align
        is  the  original  plan  of God from  to  his  will  to  keep  His  purpose,
        the beginning that cannot fail and  whatever  that  may  be.  Meaning
        the  refusal  of man  to  allow this  that,  a  real  man  is  not  that  one
        pattern is the reason for the toiling  with  big biceps  or deep  voice or

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