Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 32
the seas to spread the message a safe place. And it is a Man, the WISDOM FOR
of Christ. In front of that wall, the One Christ Jesus Who gave His
Arabs set up their prayer area. life for all. I found it interesting LIVING
that of all the historical sites at the
In 1728, the Portuguese retook Fort coast, the one that God chose to
Jesus when the African soldiers preserve whole, is the one place We at Msingi Afrika Magazine
mutinied against the Omani Arabs that honours His Son. sincerely appreciate the history
and the Sultan of Pate handed The martyrdom of the Portuguese of our beautiful Africa and the
over the Fort to the Europeans. soldiers really struck a chord as I monuments in her. But here
The following year, the people envisioned these half starved men, is our take on wisdom as it
of Mombasa rose against the whose diet now was made up of regards these things: That
Portuguese who were put under rats, which had killed many of their these places and structures
siege and forced to surrender. companions, determined that they
would not deny Christ, but would are called ‘monuments’ simply
Eventually the Arabs ceded control rather perish that He, Christ, will shows that once upon a time,
of the Fort to the British, who not deny them before the Father. the structures and places were
turned it into a prison for the male During this visit, we were taken to glorious and admired by many
and female Africans who wouldn’t a recently constructed section of in the day of their glory. This is a
play ‘nice’. Mekatilii wa Menza and the Museum which detailed the fact of every monument, which
Wanje wa Madorika being among way in which the Omani Arabs clearly shows that no beauty,
those imprisoned by the British for traded with the locals. Spices were glory, honour, fame, power,
defying the colonialists. But that, traded for ivory and rhinoceros authority, lasts forever - except
as they say, is a story for another horns. I stood and wept inside me that which God, Himself, sets up
day. as I heard the LORD nudge me as for His own purpose and plan.
He pointed out where the culture
Thoughts: of Africans selling their birthright For there is He Who has made
The story of the Fort that is Jesus for temporal things had begun. all things for His own pleasure
really blew my mind during a visit However, redemption has come and He alone will remain, when
that the Msingi Afrika Magazine and Africa will once again rise to all things man made have gone.
team made there this February. her place of influence in God. So, you dear reader, you may be
We had an amazing tour guide, an African or non-African, but
a young man called Eric Maithya remember this: Nothing lasts
who is still a student. Through forever and nothing will remain
his enthusiastic storytelling, it the same forever. Live your life
finally unfolded for me that Fort in simplicity, humility before
Jesus is two things. It is a Fort God, love yourself and others,
or a stronghold, a strong tower, build wisely - knowing that all
things will become monuments
Range of battle ready portuguese canon and historical relics with time,
guns facing the indian ocean
only good for sight-seeing and
educational purposes for the
next generation. For as the
name Fort Jesus implies, the
only Fortress that will never
The remains of the church destroyed by the become a monument is Jesus.
Oman Arabs Muslims
For counsel and wisdom to live
in this age of the end of time,
please use the contacts below.