Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 34

Uganda Martyrs Catholic Shrine

        Namugongo, KAMPALA

        Chioma Phillips

        In 2018 my husband and I took a bus        The Shrine
        trip from Nairobi to Kampala. It was
        a God-ordained journey and our stay
        was  to be  just  over  a  week.    A few
        nights at a lovely Airbnb in Kyaliwajjala
        was where we kicked  off our  visit,
        followed by another few nights  a
        short distance  away in  Namugongo
        (literally  across  one road and down

        We planned, we booked, we travelled,
        not  knowing  that  one  of  the  most
        significant religious commemorations
        was  to take  place  a  short  distance
        from our Airbnb.

        We arrived mid-afternoon  and we
        took note of a police blockade and a
        growing number of people in the area.
        Travellers  with  bags,  settling  by the
        side of the road. Food sellers setting
        up shop. The whole area was abuzz
        with activity.
                                            there  to  witness  for ourselves.  We  King, refused to renounce their beliefs
        Our host,  Mary, explained  to us   quietly took ourselves in the opposite  and  return to the  traditional  way of
        that  there  was going  to be  a  mass   direction.                     life. They were converts to Christianity
        the  following  day,  June  3rd,  at  the                               by the labours of some missionaries
        Namugongo Martyrs’ Catholic Shrine   Evening  came and,  while  most  of  who were staying  at the  Kabaka’s
        which was just a stones throw away   the people had left, many of the out  court.
        from us. We later found out that those   of towners were settling  down for
        who were arriving were on an annual   another  night  or waiting  for their  As a result  of their  determination  to
        literal  pilgrimage  from all  across   buses,  jerry cans  of ‘special  water’  stand up for what they believed, they
        Uganda and  other parts  of Africa   from the  pool  of  water  in  hand.  were burnt to death  at Namugongo,
        and  the  world,  to  commemorate  the   Pilgrimage over.               where those  of the  royal  household
        lives of those killed for their beliefs. I                              were put to death. Some suggest that
        sorted of nodded because I thought I   We  did  a  little  research  and  waited  its  name  comes  from the  Luganda
        understood.                         a  few days  and  then,  from our new  word,  Omugongo,  because  people
                                            location, we walked over to the Shrine  killed there would be dragged on their
        Morning brought with it clarity... much   one evening.  The  roads still bearing  backs.
        greater. There were masses of people.   the  evidence of the  large numbers
        Hundreds  of  thousands  had  come   of people  who  had  visited  the  area.  It  is  believed  that  many  others  were
        for this  one  event.  The  President  of   We got access to the Shrine, walked  martyred at the hands of Mwanga II.
        Uganda included. The whole area was   around a  little, took some photos,  Based on accounts, the Buganda king,
        completely packed.  The  noise levels   asked some questions.  It was  quiet  was threatened by the King of kings
        were way up. Boda Bodas (motorcycle   now. Calmer.                      (Jesus) Who seemed to have usurped
        taxis) had tripled their fares... and they                              all his power, authority and control in
        were  not  sorry.  The  roads  were  full   This is the story as we have come to  his court, causing people to defy him.
        of people  and  motorbikes  and  cars   understand it so far:           An unheard of offense!
        and  minivans  and  buses. There  was
        singing and chanting and praying as   In June of 1886, 45 males, Christians  The pool of water at the Shrine is called
        television  and  radio  sets  trumpeted   (Anglican and Catholic), serving in the  Mukajjanga  Well  and  was  named
        live broadcasts of the proceedings at   court  of Kabaka  (king)  Mwanga  the  after the chief executioner. This water
        the shrine.                         Second of the Buganda people, stood  is  considered  to be  blessed or holy
                                            up bravely for  their  faith  in Jesus  and there are even claims that people
        Our host suggested that we go over   Christ  and,  in  direct  defiance  of  the  who have  come  into contact with  it
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