Page 39 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 39

old-style revolver. There are three
        major countries within Africa that
        are  very  significant  to  God  right
        now, as it relates to the agenda of
        God for the spiritual emancipation   THE STRIPED MOUNTAIN
        of Africa. I speak of Nigeria, Kenya   That the physical name of Kenya
        and South Africa. And I do not say   alludes  to  ‘the  striped  mountain
        that  other  African countries  are   that  says yes to God’, has  a lot
        not significant to God. All African   more  spiritual  connotations  than
        countries  are  significant  to  God,   can be  imagined.  Scripture  is
        but  these  three  are  chosen  to   clear about the life of Jesus who
        pioneer a move for God before it    bore the stripes of our infirmity on
        gets to others. Based on the gun    His back and whose ‘Yes’ to God
        analogy of Africa, Nigeria by both   gave us a way to the heart of the
        physical and spiritual positioning,   Father.  It  is  this  reality  of Jesus
        is  the  trigger, Kenya by same     as the  Striped One  that  Kenya is
        positioning  is  the  bullet  chamber   mandated to manifest. For Kenya,
        and  South Africa is  the  muzzle   as she bears the birth pangs of the
        from where the bullet of the word   spiritual  manifestation  of Africa
        of God  will  go forth  from Africa   and by learning to say yes to the
        to  other  parts  of the  world. But   will  of God will  certainly  become
        what  does  this  mean?  It  means   the  picture  of the  mountain  of
        there  are  words  and  intentions   the  Lord’s  House  set  upon  the
        of  God  concerning  the  spiritual   mountains.  The  eyes  of God are
        awakening of the earth that Africa   turned  towards  this  nation, even
        is mandated to reveal. Take Africa   as she goes through her season of
        out of the mix, these words will not   incubating the move of God before   For questions, opinions,  further
        come to pass.                       birthing.                            thoughts  concerning this article,
                                                                                 please  use  the  comment on our
                                                                                 website: www.msingiafrikamagazine.
        KENYA IN THE COMING DAYS            Nations will come into her to learn   com
        The  intention  of  God  will  be   the ways, the truth and the life of   or send your thoughts to wehearyou@
        clear and  simple  for those  who   God. Though this reality I speak of
        will  embrace  humility  before     is not seen right now in the streets
        God. Kenya, as  the  place of       of Nairobi nor on the  Coast  of     We will be glad to hear from you. God
        manifestation,  will  certainly  - like   Mombasa, but  God is  doing  this   bless you.
        the physical Jerusalem in Israel -   already with a few people of whom
        be a land where foreigners go for   I am aware  and  in  a little  while,
        spiritual  connectivity  to God. But   they will manifest clearly.      Quick facts about Kenya
        it  will  be an error  if the  Kenyan
        authorities  mistreat  her  visitors.   Bringing  it  all  together, the  land  Location:  East  Africa;  nestled
        It has its spiritual consequences.   of Kenya, the  striped  mountain  between  Somalia,  Ethiopia,  South
        For God, in  scriptures,  does  not   that says yes to God and His will,  Sudan, Uganda  and  Tanzania.  It’s
        take  lightly  the  mistreatment  of   must be deliberate in her response  easternmost  border is  the  Indian
        foreigners, for we all are pilgrims     to the  mind  of God, for there  is  Ocean.
        on this earth. For it is easy to think   no  more  time  to delay what  God  Sits astride the Equator.
        that  people  come  to Kenya for    must do in  this  season.  So, let  Colonial past: Was colonized by the
        tourism or wildlife or for business   the  government  and  the  people  British.
        or pleasure  but  those  are  just  by   of Kenya walk  in  humility before  Fought for independence.
        the  way.  The  reason  they come   God, Who has  graciously chosen  Granted  internal  self-government  in
        and also  love to stay is  because   them for such mandate in a time  1963.
        of her spiritual significance which   like this. And the God of Grace will  Became  an  independent  republic  in
        even the visitors themselves may    lead  Kenya into the  heights  that  1964.
        not  be  aware  of. So, let  Kenya   are set for her.                   Population: estimated 50million
        not  be proud  in  her  supposed                                        Tribes: 44
        achievements,    but    dwell   in                                      Destiny: Chosen to manifest the way,
        humility before God for this is key                                     the truth and the life of God in the end
        to her manifesting God in this age                                      times.
        and time.
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