Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 43

        a  scripture  in  Isaiah  that  talks  people  to ‘do’  and  so  you can  consciousness  of the  choices
        about    branding   and    beauty   produce,  gives  you an  identity  in  that I’d make between desert and
        (Isaiah  3:24  NKJV)  And  He  said  a title  and  so you miss  who you  green  places. Many  times  I  am
        “I’m going to use you to re-define  really  are  in  God. It  builds  your  faced with  the  Amazon  forest
        Sales  and  Marketing.  Marketing  image in the title but the inside of  choice and  a desert  choice. It’s
        is connected with branding; I will  likeness or being is a vacuum. And  like  Abraham and  Lot. But  that
        use you to bring out beauty in the  so  there’s  an  image  to  keep.  So  thing  kept  coming to me; it  kept
        place of branding.”  And so initially  when you can’t produce anymore  reminding  me  I  will  make  rivers
        there was pressure for  me do  because the ‘what you do’  is  flow in the desert and streams of
        certain  things  by  the  wisdom of  depleted  you  are branded a non-  water in dry places, so I’d choose
        men so I could become  a brand  performer  and  eventually  kicked  the desert. There are many times
        in  the  market,  and  connect  with  out. And at this point most people  I  got  international  offers  to go
        networks.  I  couldn’t  walk  in  that  get into depression because they  and do what I do here. The perks
        path.  I had a mandate  to live a  no longer have  the  image  they  were good, they were going to take
        specific  way,  that  contradicted  had and don’t know who they are.  care  of the  kids’  education  and
        with the profile. As I lived it, God  God gives  me  a  different  sort  of  everything, but I’d look at it and see
        accelerated    my    performance    shift,  to  focus on  ‘be  this’.  Be  a  the Amazon forest. So what would
        beyond  the  the  expected  result.  tree  that  is  planted  by the  rivers  come to my spirit would be, so how
        And that would be my vindication.  of water so that fruit can flow out  do I take this and then short circuit
        So  the  definition  of  God  for  me  of you in season, This is how you  the rivers that God wants to flow
        for Sales and Marketing has been  can be. And when you become,  in  the  desert? I cannot do that.  I
        just live as He tells you to live so  then  whatever comes out  from  cannot become  the  one who will
        that  His  unseen  Value  can  be  you can never be depleted. This is  cut off God. So that then became
        established  through your  life as  an environment that  enables  you  the thing that was foundational to
        He  draws  people  to  Himself.  So  to become like a tree  that  grows  my choices, and it still is till now.
        that  you’re presenting  a different  by the  rivers  and  bears  fruit in  I choose  places by the  leading
        picture  of what  it  is  to be  in  the  its season that He gave me as a  of the Spirit of God that may not
        marketplace as a platform for God  model to my team. So that’s  the  look so rosy because I understand
        to show Himself in your space.      switch that God has allowed me to  that  in  that  space  God wants  to
                                            have is this, building blocks for the  manifest Him. There’s a way that
        Where is the place of God in what  teams is ‘be’. But the ‘be’ is tied to  God wants to do His thing. Let Him
        you  do,  teams, management,  God because they can see God at  BE the source of who you are and
        colleagues, those who you report  work in my life. And it’s beautiful.  what you’re doing.
        to, planning and forecasting, day  It has been said that I develop the
        to day?                             strongest  teams in  the  market  in  How do you manage it all?
        I  think  for me,  the  beginning  is  my portfolio. And I bless God for  When  you  have your  identity  in
        God. I have dealt with teams of 20-  His establishment.                 God - God is big - so the space in
        25 and my relationship with them                                        God for you to manage things  is
        first  of  all  is  to  bring  life.  If  you  And with colleagues?     broad. God’s  hard disk  capacity
        don’t have life, you can’t produce.   God allows me to approach things  is  unlimited,  so when I take  it
        The  corporate  market  space that  from a  vantage  point,  so  when  I  from  the  identity  I have in God,  I
        demands  that  you produce. But  look  at  things,  God  allows  me  to  don’t burn out. But when I look at
        the  approach  God gave  me  was  see  things  that  people  can’t  see,  it  from myself  in  terms  of all  of
        a  ‘be  this’  because  when  you ‘be  to bring in perspectives that have  these  things  laid  before  me and
        this’,  then  you can produce this.  not  been.  I think  the  beginning  then begin to operate in them by
        So my relationship with my team  really just starts with finding your  my strength, then I burn out. That’s
        is  not from the  foundation  of:  identity in God and then standing  why I say, what has helped me is
        produce  this  target  or  do this  so  on that  identity  and  allowing  the  understanding my identity in God
        that you can produce. It’s from a  Spirit  of  God  to  make  you grow  and knowing that because I am in
        place  of ‘be  this’  because  when  in  it.  It  forms  the  basis  of your  Him and He is in me there’s nothing
        you are this, this flows out of you  interaction  with  colleagues  and  too hard, all things are possible.
        because of who you are. You won’t  everyone else.                       We now have 2 ½ ‘teenage’ children.
        have to struggle.                                                       Raising  them  up in  the  way of
                                            I had a really  dry spell  and I  God has  been  our  greatest  joy.
        The     corporate    marketplace    remember God telling me that He  God allowed them to be exposed
        is  a  depleting  environment.  It  would make rivers flow for me in  to Truth  through  our father. They
        takes  away  from people.  The  the  desert  and  streams of water  have understanding of Truth as a
        marketplace  environment  uses  in  dry  places.  This  became my  lifestyle and live it. They know that


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