Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 47

the business inside my room as I  in  Nigeria  by the  name Stephen  regardless  of the  challenges.
        couldn’t afford to pay for a shop or  Akintayo. I applied  immediately,  So my determination  is  always
        office space.                       though I didn’t have all the money.  stronger than the urge to quit. I had
                                            They designed a payment plan for  challenges  too while  developing
        What services were you offering?    me. That training transformed both  my skills as a bassist. I remember
        At the time I could not offer many  me and the  business.  After the  many times  sound engineers
        services due to finance, I was only  training I opened up a bulk SMS site  would unplug  my guitar  claiming
        able  provide  basic  services  such  for my business and started social  I was  playing  rubbish. I would
        as  typing,  printing,  photocopy  media marketing. I applied all the  even be asked to drop the guitar
        and  repair  of  computers. It  was  principles  taught  and  Cititech  because I wasn’t good enough. But
        a serious struggle. Awareness  Communication gained  massive  instead of quitting, it pushed me to
        was very low and only friends and  online  recognition.  I started  learn more, oftentimes rehearsing
        family were patronising me, just to  getting  calls  from online  clients  overnight  so  as  to improve  my
        encourage me. But  I continued. I  for  services. I applied  for more  skills.
        was broke, I had no sales, I went  training  the  following  year  and
        many days without food, as every  in  2017  I  applied  for engineering  What role does music have in your
        little thing I earned kept going into  training in Ikeja, in 2018 I applied  line of business?
        the business - yet I couldn’t see the  for Google  Digital  training  online  Well  presently  I am a music
        effect.                             course and got certified, I applied  manager, I  have  over 5  music
                                            for  a degree course at  National  artistes  I manage, among who
        What kept you going?                Open University, I’m in year 3 now...  are  Femi Omitiran  and   Ezekiel
        Determination.  I  had  so  much  I  applied  for mini  importation  Okesola among others.
        belief in myself and in my business.  training  under Stephen  Akintayo  Music plays a huge role in my line
        At some point, some of my friends  and  have  started  training  people  of business.  Music taught  me
        saw the way I was struggling and  now and in the same 2018 Cititech  how to be persistent, patient and
        advised that I should abandon the  Communication’s  first  store  was  connect to my customers.
        business for a while and look for a  opened.  Every year I make  sure
        job. But I knew the business was  I keep adding  to my knowledge  So it’s a separate  business  from
        my life and I wasn’t ready to quit. I  base so as to keep being relevant  Cititech?
        kept holding on and then in 2013,  in life. I also learned how to repair  Its  a  subsidiary  of Cititech.
        God opened my  eyes  to see  that  laptops and phones.                  Blaze  Music  Management,  Blaze
        He  had  called  me  into  the  youth                                   Records. We will be inaugurating it
        ministry.  He  showed  me,  spoke  You used to do  bulk sms what  officially this year.
        to me, sent different men of God  changed?
        to  confirm  it...  I  remember  on  Yes.  I  always  study  trends.    At  a  As a worshipper of  Jesus doing
        one occasion, a pastor  sent  me  point there was an increase in sms  business are there any spiritual
        a  message  on  Facebook,  saying  charges  by the  NUC and  some  principles   you apply to  your
        “Yemi, I don’t really know you, but  new laws came into effect which  business and how do you provide
        God asked me to tell you there is  affected  the  speed  of delivery  of  kingdom  solutions   to   your
        something  He  has  called  you  to  SMS. Most of my clients were not  clients... Christian or not?
        do, but you are running away from  willing to pay the new prices and I  Well.  As  an IT expert, one of
        it. Just hear this, God said you will  also could not guarantee customer  the  core  values  of my business
        never  be  successful  at  anything  satisfaction  with  the  changes  in  I  am  so particular  about  and  I
        you do, until you do what God has  service delivery quality. I had lots            emphasize with all my
        asked you to do.”                   of customers: hotels,  churches,                 workers  is  integrity
        So, in 2013, I told my senior pastor,  businesses  and individuals,  but               and  diligence.  If
        Rev. Omojola, that I wanted to go to  I had to shut it down. It’s not the               I were to behave
        a Bible School. He supported me  only service I provide.                                 as the people of
        and gave me part of my tuition fee                                                             the  world
        for the Bible training. I finished and  Yemi,  you’re a tech guru and also                         a r e
        started  an interdenominational  a  gospel musician. What’s  the
        youth ministry The Royal Family, in  connection?
        2014.                               Passion. I have so much passion
                                            for music. It’s  one  of the  things
        What  turned  things  around for  I love  doing. I am always  happy
        you?                                doing music. I am always happy
        Knowledge.  In  2015  I  discovered  operating the computer. These
        an  influential  digital  marketer  two are born out of passion
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