Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 52
you could quit. I think I was 5 or 6 put me in my place”. But it was such and his personality. We literally
when I started actual lessons and I a good season ‘cause it really got work together now!” She adds that
was trained in classical piano and me thinking about the difference Allan has helped take their band
I loved it! I was the one kid in our between whether I looking for a to a level they would never have
family who didn’t quit. I took theory platform or I was looking to serve. gotten to without him.
and classical piano lessons for More about Rebekah Rebekah says she definitely met
three or four years as a child, and As part of her role as Creative her husband much later in life than
when we started homeschooling Director at the church, Rebekah she thought she would, having
my mom, picked up teaching me. set up a production studio where experienced heart break and
She actually was the pianist in our she produces the music for the various challenges on the road to
church, as the original praise and church. Before that, she worked love and marriage.
worship team of NLC, together with Kijiji Records for about a year
with my dad, for many years. She and also did several projects at
was the one who taught me how Gideon Kimanzi’s studio. “I just “
to play chords and just figuring out love the process of studio,” she “Ever since I can remember,
church music and hymns. says, “I love taking an idea from I’ve loved to just drive to the
When I was 14, I joined the main your heart and then hearing it. escarpment. Sometimes, I need
church team as a backing vocalist That’s cool to me ‘cause I can to be reminded of the bigness of
(which is hands-down my favorite actually hear what was in my heart
thing to do in music). But every now to begin with.” God and I don’t see that
and then, I’d play piano in church in the city”
and backup my mom and then Meeting Allan Sucre (Her
slowly after a few years I would Husband) So at the time when she was
solo a song here and there. To be Rebekah Dawn first met her beginning to like Allan and was
honest, I don’t think I’m naturally a husband-to-be Allan in 2013 and preparing to go on a forty day fast,
good musician at all! I am partially they were really great friends. She she laid it all on the line and told
deaf and was very tone deaf a lot says, “Actually it’s funny because I him where she felt the relationship
of my childhood. I just loved music had always told the Lord … please could go, in a bid to seek clarity
and wanted to be good at it! When give me a businessman … I never so that she would have no
I was in Australia, I was part of the had a desire to marry a musician distractions while in her time of
choir and took voice lessons. or anyone even remotely involved prayer and he said to her that he
with what I am doing, because was pursuing someone else. Her
As a side note, my parents are the I always thought it’s going to internal reaction? “Heh, sema
senior pastors of our church. So be competition and it will be dying ten times! This is why they
one of the things they have been exhausting. You know, we’d be tell women don’t initiate, let the guy
really careful about is to make talking about the same thing all the do it! Right here - this is why.” But
sure that as their kids, we were time. You know, I always thought what it did for her was allow her
not given any platform, privilege or it’d be more fun to have someone to focus on God fully while on her
opportunity just because we’re the who has a totally different story at forty day fast. And afterwards? His
pastors’ kids. If anything, we have the end of the day, and not coming relationship ended and following
to work double hard to get what home to say, ‘Oh I did exactly what a trip he made to West Africa
we’re given just to earn the trust you did’.” and came back bearing gifts for
of the people we’re leading in the “Allan was a total surprise to me! Rebekah and a confession that he
team or of the church itself. I actually knew of him through his was looking for what was right in
When I returned home, I really came photography, and then I’d heard front of him all along.
back with this big ego (I mean, I of this bass player “Allan Sucre”, Rebekah and Allan’s courtship was
had sung BVs for Darlene Zschech but when we met I just liked him! a fulfillment of a promise she had
- I really thought I was a big deal!) He’s just a breath of fresh air. His made to God, to do it His way and
When I was offered a job on the humility and normalness was a very to test Him. She wasn’t really sure
staff at our church, I was actually welcome surprise to me. I couldn’t how much fun she would have
offered an administrational job to help it - I just fell in love with him, ‘doing it clean and holy’, but, in her
do. My job for years was to key even though he was a musician. own words, “… it was different, but
in the data from the small groups Actually the first time we hung out I loved it and I would do it again in
every week. So at the beginning, I was in the studio and, yeah, I was a heartbeat.”
had false humility, but when this just very impressed with his skill,
job lasted for 4-5 years, I was like his excellence, but more than that, Getting Ready for Marriage
“y’all people … I’m the anointed it was never Allan’s music that They planned their wedding in
voice for Africa, can we hurry and attracted me - it was him; his heart a month. “it was awesome and