Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 54

        and it was all just too much. Then Allan looked her   purpose of the Temple to self-promotion.”
        right in the eye and said these words that were to    Rebekah adds that she has “had the gift of watching
        become a major turning point for her:                 and  learning  just  by watching”  the  gospel  music
        “we are just going to make today good.                scene in Kenya and “I’ve seen some people rise and
        we  are going to  love today.    and be  creative     fall very fast. I’ve seen some people rise and last but
        today.  and forgive today.  and laugh today.  and     not go the distance in the long run. So for me, I think
        make wise choices today.  we are just going to        that was a gift in the beginning - just seeing what’s
        focus on today.                                       working and  what’s  not  working. And to me the
        and when tomorrow becomes today, we will do           pattern I’ve seen is that the moment someone gets
                                                              too big…they ought to stay “small’. And that’s me in
        it again.                                             my church - it keeps me “small”. It keeps me normal
        because when we make today good – just today          - regular. I am like everybody else.  And for me it’s
        – then those good days will turn into good weeks.     not even about guarding the spotlight - it’s guarding
        and good weeks will become good months.  and          the call of God and not being swayed by the crowd
        good months will become good years.                   because the  crowd doesn’t  necessarily  mean that
        All good years are really just a bunch of good        you’re with Christ. You have to guard what is of God.”
        days.”                                                Rebekah  shares  how heartbroken  she  was by the
        She says that they have seen God come through for     recent stories that have come out in Kenya’s gospel
        them in the context of these words and that the only   music scene, “I think our gospel scene this year has
        place it has not worked has only been where they      taken  such hard  blows… and  one  my mom  always
        haven’t applied it.                                   used to tell us when we were kids, your sin will find
                                                              you out. There is a grace that comes with confession
        Gospel Music                                          that does not come with being busted. When you’re
        Concerning the gospel music scene, this is some of    busted,  you never really  can tell  if  the  person  is
        what she had to say:                                  genuinely  sorry that  they did  it  or if  they are  sorry
        “When I was waiting to launch my album (it’s been     because they got caught.” She continues, “I just feel
        ten years and I still haven’t launched it), I felt such   the  weight  -  I  cried  when  I  read  those  stories.  You
        a conviction that there is nothing in the music or in   always think Satan is letting you get away with it - He
        the message that was wrong, but it is not going to    never does. He is a long term investor and he may be
        be believable because of the messenger and that for   planting something now that he knows he won’t even
        me is based on Psalm 40:3 which says ‘He’s put a      reap for twenty years. He’s just being very strategic in
        new song in my mouth, a hymn of thanksgiving to       when and how this is going to come to the light.’ So
        my God, many shall see and fear and put their hope    that just keeps me in the fear of God.
        in the Lord.’ Every translation uses the word ‘see’. It
        says He’s given me a song and people will SEE it -    Naked and not ashamed
        you would think that the word ‘hear’ would be used    Rebekah shared with us the hardest decision of faith
        instead but scripture says that they will ‘see’ the song   she  ever had to make, which for  us is  a powerful
        and that for me is the conviction, that people will put   message to anyone in any walk of life, and we want
        their trust in the Lord when they ‘see’ our songs, when   to leave it as a parting thought: “To repent and be
        they  can  actually  observe  them.  Because  a  song   exposed  -  That’s  the  hardest  decision  I have ever
        that can be heard and not seen creates questions,     had to make - choosing humility. To me, humility is ‘I
        creates  doubt,  creates  argument, creates  division,   was wrong and I’ve done something wrong’. Having
        creates a lack of believability.”                     to expose it to my husband and to my team, to my
        She  says  that  she  really  dislikes  the  term “gospel   parents  …  To accept and  allow  that  exposure  has
        industry”, adding that, “When it becomes an industry,   always been the hardest part of my faith. Because,
        I just see Jesus flipping tables over and just being   I want to look good and I want to look like I’ve got it
        like you have turned my house of prayer into a den    all together.
        of… you know what that  scripture  says  …  it  says   Allan  and  I  have  been  very intentional  to create  a
        you have turned my house of prayer into a house of    world in  the  social  media  space  that’s  honest  and
        merchandise. The Greek word merchandise, if you       not presenting a ‘false reality’ … for me, the hardest is
        look it up, means self-promotion. ‘You’ve turned my   exposure and it’s the hardest decision I have to make
        house into a place that you promote yourself’ ” She   and keep having to make.”
        interprets that as “things like praise and worship …
        our skills are required in the temple of worship for   (click  here  to listen to “Kutembea  Nawe”  by Rebekah
                                                              Dawn Gituthu)©
        people to be able to engage, to come and lock in.
        But if you use it to promote yourself, man … Jesus
        is  coming!  He’s  braiding  a  whip  and  coming  after
        you. That makes Him angry when you  change the
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