Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 59

         navigated  the  geopolitics  of the   was much like that of Moses and
         day to gain advantage  before       even Daniel and the three Hebrew     BE INSPIRED
         denouncing the Treaty of Wuchale.   boys.  He  was  raised  as  a  son  of
         Prior to  his  victory  at  Adowa,   the Emperor, educated like the son   The story of Emperor Menelik 2 is
         Menelik  II  had  for years,  been   of an Emperor and treated like the   one that gives strength and hope
         focusing  his  efforts  on  the     son of an Emperor, even marrying     in the midst of adversity, worth in
         expansion    of   his   territories  his  captor’s  daughter, Altash     the midst of worthlessness and
         through military conquest, which    Tewodros. Possibly  he  gained       which every African must glean
         he  was extremely successful at.    much strategic wisdom from being     wisdom and strength from. As an
         The  only  local  constraint to his   in the courts of the man who had   African, you have been made to
         ambition at the time was Emperor    conquered his father that he then    look weak, unreliable, primitive,
         Yohannes  IV, who, based  on        later  put to use during his  own    dull, unintelligent by those who
         accounts, it seemed Menelik II had   military and political campaigns.   think our forefathers lived on
         sufficient deference for not to go   Later, the  man to whom he  paid    trees. But that was a lie and will
         to war against  during the height   tribute  recommended a  bride  for   never be true. For you, as an
         of his  expansionist  campaigns.    him  in  Taytu  or  Taitu  Betul  (his   African, came from a long lineage
         Instead  opting to submit  to him,   third wife), who was a vocal player   of kings, warriors, emperors, army
         pay  an  annual  tribute,  be  faithful   in  the  triggering  of the  rejection   generals, wealthy tillers of the
         to him and  cease  his  expansion   of the  Treaty  of Wuchale  (which,   earth and its resources, those
         into European  trade  routes.  In   based  on accounts,  she  even       who the kings of other nations
         exchange, he  was  granted  the     tore up) and  even  went  to battle   outside Africa bowed to in honour
         title  of King  of Shewa by  the    alongside  him  during  the  Battle   and fear. And because the African
         Emperor.  But  when  the  Emperor   of Adowa, having  triggered  her     blood is rich and bold, it means
         died, even  those  in  Yohannes’    husband and those in his court to    you are also a king, emperor,
         household  had  sufficient  wisdom   stand up against the Italians.      wealthy and not some aid-
         not  to go against  Menelik  II.    For me, the  Battle  of Adowa        begging roadside compromising
         He  was  far  more  powerful  than   was  purely  and  exclusively  the   individual.
         they. So Menelik  II continued his   handiwork of God.  Through this     The story of Menelik 2 shows
         expansion  northward  this  time,   man’s life, God created a signature   the picture of a man who rose
         unabated  and  sought  recognition   moment for him  and  his  people,   from the ashes of grief, failure,
         from the Italians as Emperor of all   which also inspired other Africans,   disappointment and everything
         Ethiopia, effectively setting a date   even  those  in  the  Diaspora.   life threw at him, to lead an
         with  destiny.  After the  Battle  of   Ethiopia  became known as the    empire that conquered many
         Adowa, he continued to expand his   land  that  was  never conquered.    lands, a true African indeed. But
         territories, undeterred by European   Much has  been  said  to explain   let me tell you what this means,
         presence  and  claim over various   away the defeat of the Italians and   the entire story of Menelik 2 is
         regions  to  the  south.  He  also   the  decided disadvantages  that    just a shadow compared to that
         focused on  the  modernisation      they had, I’m not sure if it was to   of the coming King, Who, as a
         and improvement of his territories   temper the  embarrassment  that     stone rejected by men in the
         politically,  administratively  as  the  exists  in  the  minds  of those   days of His flesh, will cut out a
         well  as  in  terms  of physical    who face off against Africans and    stone without hands, set it up on
         infrastructure geared at improving   come away at a disadvantage ... I   the earth as a mountain and will
         the quality of life of his people.  will leave it there.                 bring to an end the kingdoms of
                                             The  circumstances  surrounding      this world. I speak of Christ, the
         These are my thoughts (based on     this  man’s  life, his  training, his   King. For of the increase of His
         my knowledge that God has made      circumstances,  challenges  faced    government and peace  there will
         a  choice  in  every  man  who  has   and  overcome, strategic  moves    be no end,  for upon the throne
         ever or shall ever walk the face of   and  countermoves  all  point  to a   of David  His father shall He sit
         the earth)                          life  chosen  to  tell  a  very  specific   and over His kingdom, shall He
                                             tale  about Africa and  to Africa,   reign, to order it and establish it
         Born August 1844  and  baptized     which  I  pray  Africa and  Africans   with judgment and justice, from
         as Sahle Maryam, Menelik II was     will  heed  in  the  times  to  come.   this time forward, even forever. Be
         the  son  of  a  king,  Haile  Menekot   For me, that message is: there is   ready!
         who was King  of Shewa before       an alternate  path  for  Africa  and
         him.  However,  his  father  was    it is worth fighting for. There is a   For counsel and wisdom to live in this age of
         killed in a battle against Emperor   path chosen by God for each man     the end of time, please use the contacts below.
         Tewodros  and  this  Emperor took   (male and female), and it is worth
         him into a form  of captivity  that   living it out to the max.

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