Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 45

        is  but why can’t  you become  the  sometimes,  many times,  I’ve
        Way and  Truth  of God and  that  missed it but then God is faithful,
        Way of God is  different  from  the  by  His  mercy  He  brings  it  to  you
        normal way of the marketplace?      and says “You know this thing that
                                            you missed? That was me.” So you
        If there’s  a physical trait  that  go back and you begin to learn and
        someone sees instantly  when  you learn to listen to the Spirit of
        they meet you, it’s your smile. Is  God.
        it a reflection of state of mind?
        I don’t even realize it until people  The other thing is to just know that
        say it. I guess that’s how I am. I think  when you have God, you’re sorted.
        I just became the embodiment of  You have  God as  your  identity?
        joy for God.  But people stop me  You’re sorted. There’s nothing that
        and say ‘your smile has made me…’  can happen to you that He has not
        and I’m thinking, ok. I didn’t even  permitted and if He has permitted  MEDITATE ON THIS
        realize I’m smiling. When I look at  it, it’s for your good because there’s
        my life  I  see  that  God  wanted  to  something that He’s working out in  Did  you know that  everything  on
        say something through my life and  and through you.                    this  earth  that  man has  built  in
        I’m going  back  to the  time  I  was                                  the  flesh  belongs  to  this  worldly
        born.                               Understanding    that   God     is system  of Babylon and will  be
        My life from birth as a premature  depending on your life to produce a  destroyed by God to make way for
        baby at 7 months with no incubator,  way on the earth that has not been  the new? (See Revelation 18)
        to  the  preservation  of my Mum’s  seen before. So that has been my  With this in mind, how then must
        life with Malaria, to my naming, my  consciousness  that  I’m not  just  you build  your life,  business,
        growth and my entire life is all an  living my life but I’m living my life  family, relationships etc. Build with
        indicator of the strength of God at  to display the way of God, so that  eternity in your heart. See what the
        work in and through my life. And  connects  my consciousness  to  Lord Jesus said in Mat 6:19-21
        so I see The Joy of the Lord as His  what  God wants  to establish  in  “Do  not  lay up for yourselves
        strength  resting  on  the  platform  every moment of my being.        treasures  on earth,  where  moth
        of  my  life.  And  that’s  how I  live.                               and rust destroy and where thieves
        So my prayer is that I won’t miss  There    are   rules,  there   are break in and steal; but lay up for
        it. I keep telling God, Father for the  regulations,  when  God  tells  you,  yourselves  treasures  in  heaven,
        reason You preserved me at seven  like Daniel,  don’t  walk that  path,  where  neither  moth  nor  rust
        months  …  under  the  influence  of  it  doesn’t  matter  that  there  are  destroys and where thieves do not
        quinine and malaria from my mum  consequences in the physical, just  break in and steal. For where your
        to show your strength, that I would  don’t walk that path. You know, like  treasure is, there your heart will be
        not miss it.                        Daniel and the boys? Even if you’re  also.
                                            thrown in the fire it’s ok, God will
        What would you say to the people  be pleased.                          FOR COUNSEL ON DOING BUSINESS
        out there?                                                             GOD’S WAY, PLEASE USE:
        You are  God’s  platform of  Then because the market space is
        manifestation on the earth. Be it.  really about doing, focus on being
        My biggest learning in this journey  more  than  doing,  let  the  Spirit  of
        has  been  just  pay  attention  to  God enable  you to become  what
        what  the  Spirit  of God is  telling  He  wants  you  to  become  in  the
        you and take responsibility to walk  marketplace  so  that  what  flows
        in it so He can establish it through  out of you is far beyond what they
        your life. Because there’s the voice  expect because the source of it is
        that comes that is my own voice,  God. Just be His River of Life, or
        there’s the voice of the Spirit that  how ever else The Lord chooses to
        is subtle and there are the voices  define you. Get your identity from
        of  men  that  want  to  define  who  Him and just BE it.
        you are and then there’s the voices
        from the  environment  that  want
        to dictate how you should be. The
        choice that you make is the voice
        of the  Spirit  of God and  it’s  very
        easy  to  lose  that  voice  because

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