Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 42
Please tell us who you are, what it I transitioned because God gave identity and I dropped it because
is that you do and why? me an instruction whose end it was an identity that He hadn’t
First, my identity is in God. I point was God showing up as allowed me in. But God brings you
represent a reality of God in the the life giver in Business. So the to a place where the identities that
marketplace, and that has brought determinant factor for my move define men in society then don’t
me an understanding that, my was that: let the place not have mean much to you, because what
responsibility in God is to become life, so that then as I step into that you’re consumed by is just your
the way of God established in the place, then God begins to bring life identity in Him.
marketplace. The interesting thing in that space. And that’s basically So that became my turning point.
is that the way of God is unseen, yet the sort of thinking or mindset that I just began to see acceleration in
it is manifested and established I have in relation to becoming the my becoming His Way. The Holy
through a willing life. So there has way of God in the marketplace. I Spirit shows me strategy, names,
to be somebody who is willing to walk in the word He has spoken figures, ideas that bring life to
have their lives establish His way as the activation of my transition. the marketplace in the area of
in the marketplace. And so I say, And life may mean lots of things operation. He is my differentiator
“Lord, I am here.” beyond business thriving. It because His wisdom is beyond
The ways of man have already touches on people, systems etc google. But He has taught me to be
been established. We read about then God gives wisdom to shift still in tight deadlines and pressure
them in Business journals, we to new spaces that reflect Him as and that’s how He comes through
read about them in all these other He defines them. But the starting with solutions that have not been
places, but there is a way that is point for me has been a choice seen before. I am sometimes
unseen that is established by God between what is the norm and branded as one who googles too
and I want to become the one that expectation of men and what the much yet it is actually the Him by
will then present the way of God Holy Spirit desires. His mercy that just gives me ideas,
in the marketplace for people. So ways to do things that is beyond
that’s my number one identity. The thing I went to school for human understanding. What He
is not what I do. I undertook a gives is beyond description. It is
Then my physical identity, Masters’ Degree till it was clear life.
I’ve held various positions in that it was my own desire that So there’s a way that God wants
the marketplace. My current wanted an identity apart from to connect with man so that He
position is director level. God has Him. In the beginning I went to finds a place of dwelling in the
taught me ways He operates in three different colleges and they marketplace through men. But
men without the conventional all got closed. And Innocent [her then He calls for us to sort of shift
educational qualifications. Just husband] was like, “Ok, maybe from what we’ve known before to
seeing the results that God has God doesn’t want you to take this begin to then ask Him, what’s Your
manifested through my life, I get Masters’.” There was lots of peer way Lord? How do I become what
to understand that God’s ability pressure for an MBA, I enrolled you want, your standard in the
catapults beyond what human or again later. God shifted things. By marketplace? He then shows me
book wisdom can comprehend. this time, God had allowed me to the position /posture to take and
He sent me to marketplaces that connect with my father, Chigbo, then He establishes it through me.
were dead, without business and and I had just begun to understand
used me to bring life to these and live out truth and begun to Have you seen Him give you
places by just hearing what the see how identities shift when you specific Wisdom and knowledge
Holy Spirit says, and that has been connect to the unseen identity/ concerning Sales and Marketing?
the pattern of my work life. He reality as opposed to what is seen. Yes. The definition that He gave me
shows me how He is taking me In the third year of the MBA, in my of sales is “An exchange of value
to a place where He says - “you’re final exam and God jolts me and for God”, that’s how He defines
going to bring life.” So God ensures says, “What if I really don’t want it for me. How can I become His
that in the interview process same you to do a Masters’ degree?” channel in the marketplace so
words He has used are used by And I’m like, Lord, I have labored that men can see Him and then
the interviewers stating - We want for 3 years, I have spent about a acknowledge or connect with Him
you to come and bring life here… million shillings (USD 10,000) on by my life in the marketplace. So I
People take jobs because of this degree and You want me to sort of become a God salesperson
various reasons such as: 1) the drop it?! And then He says, “So, for people. And people get
paycheck is good, or 2) it’s an why is it that you want a Masters’ attracted to connect with Him or
upgrade from where they’ve been, degree?” And when I went back I just acknowledge; that’s for me
or 3) all their physical needs are realized I just needed an MBA tag what defines sales.
met by that job. But, in my case, on my title, which is again a part of And for marketing He gave me