Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 44
Organic Farming
GMOs, a “Trojan Horse” for more agrochemicals
use and their link to COVID-19
By: Dr. Peter Mokaya
ood people, the month to enable “lab designed” seeds aka effects, on their own, without use
of August 2020, is genetically modified seeds (GMOs), with pesticides and herbicides: Here
here with us and with to withstand the herbicides and use is a good place to find the science:
Git the rising cases of MORE of them(agrochemicals),
COVID-19, both in terms of new while at the same time enabling the tent/uploads/2014/11/GMO-
cases (incidence) and cumulative “inventors” of the “novel seeds” Myths-and-Truths-edition2.pdf
cases (prevalence), across the entire to lay claim on the new seeds by
globe. COVID-19 is, apparently a way of patents! That way they claim GMO and the “toxic foods” which
“gain of function research” virus “ownership of seeds” and “force” are consumed, among other harmful
product which apparently, displays farmers not only to buy their more effects, weaken your immune system
“monster virus” aka chimeric virus expensive modified seeds, every and make you more susceptible to
properties. Read here: https://www. season (instead of sharing and COVID-19 infections and disease! using the free natural seeds) but Need evidence? The USA and Brazil
pii/ appears also to buy the equally expensive are the leading producers and con-
to be genetically modified from the agrochemical inputs required to sumers of GMO foods in the world.
original “flu’ corona family of virus- grow these “toxic foods”!! What an Is it mere coincidence that they are
es, as found in wild bats. innovative and effective marketing also no. 1 and no. 2, respectively, in
and sales strategy! These “merchants COVID-19 infections and mor-
This month’s article is a follow of death” have their guns trained tality, globally, to date? It is not a
up from last month’s article, on Africa and African small scale coincidence. There is a link between
https://www.organicconsumers. farmers, GMO foods and COVID-19. en/news/latest-news/19435 in the
effects-of-glyphosate-aka-roundup- pretext of “food security”. Do we have evidence of the link be-
weed-killer-is-there-a-synergistic-ef- tween GMOs, increased agrochemi-
fect-between-glyphosate-based-her- Someone asked this question; “Da- cals use, especially glyphosate based
bicides-gbh-and-covid-19.html It ktari are GMOs harmful to human herbicides (GBH) and increased
seeks to demonstrate the nefarious health without pesticides?” Of susceptibility to COVID-19? Of
reasons behind “inventing” GMO course, they are: There is more than course, we do. Emerging epidemio-
seeds and plants through “silencing” enough scientific evidence of their logical and clinical evidence shows
enzymes in natural plants(which allergenic, immunogenic, mutagenic, that COVID-19 infections and
die when sprayed with herbicides) teratogenic and endocrine disrupting disease are more common in people
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