Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
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with all MFI patients. There was a velopment of sperm cells and sperm motility [19]. In addition, male infertility
significant association between MFI could arise from ROS damages to mitochondrial DNA.
and ROS with odds ratio of 4.25,
independently of sperm parameters Francisco Peixoto at University of Trás-os-Montes, Real, in Portugal com-
and age. They concluded that high pared the effects of Roundup with glyphosate on isolated rat liver mi-
ROS is an independent marker of tochondria [20] and found dramatic differences. Roundup collapses the
MFI, irrespective of whether these transmembrane potential of the mitochondria and uncouples oxidative
patients have normal or abnormal phosphorylation, depressing the rates of oxidation, with effects starting at
semen parameters. They proposed 0.5 mM (7.5 ppm). These effects are most likely due to non-specific perme-
that ROS measurement should be ation of the mitochondrial membrane by Roundup or its adjuvant POEA. In
included a part of idiopathic infer- addition, Roundup specifically inhibited succinate dehydrogenase, succinate
tility evaluation, and treatment with cytochrome c reductase, and ATP synthase and ATPase, key enzymes in
antioxidants may be beneficial for oxidative phosphorylation. Glyphosate, on the other hand, does not have any
such patents. significant effects on the function of mitochondria up to the highest concen-
tration used, 15 mM (253.5 ppm).
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It is very likely that the primary morphology. Archives of Toxicology 2010, 84, 309-17.
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40 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika