Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 38


          men living in greater Boston, Mas-  laboratory also showed that Round-  in terms of exposure levels for ag-
          sachusetts in the United States, not   up exposure damages testosterone   ricultural workers and members of
          connected with studies on infertility   producing Leydig cells from mature   the general public close to or within
          but with aging in general, as consid-  rat testis at concentrations a tenth   the spraying range [8].
          erable loss of serum testosterone is   of agricultural use and beginning 1
          thought to be a mark of male aging.  hour after exposure [7]. Within 24-  The researchers found that brief
                                             48 h, the same formulation was tox-  exposure to Roundup at 36 ppm
          It is notable that the steep decline   ic to other cells inducing cell death,   (0.036 g/L) for 30 minutes was
          in testosterone levels began just   in contrast to glyphosate alone,   sufficient to induce oxidative stress
          after the introduction of genetically   which is only toxic to Sertoli cells   (a failure of energy metabolism, see
          modified (GM) crops in 1994 with   (feeder cells for germ cells). At 48 h,   later) and activate multiple stress-re-
          concomitant increase in glyphosate   Roundup induces apoptosis (pro-  sponse pathways leading to cell
          herbicides use on glyphosate toler-  grammed cell death involving DNA   death in the pre-puberty rat testis.
          ant GM crops.  A comprehensive     fragmentation) in germ cells and in
          review article has blamed glyphosate   Sertoli/germ cells co-culture. At the   The team concluded [8]: “Altogeth-
          for “most of the diseases and condi-  very low, non-toxic concentration of   er, the Ca2+-mediated disturbances
          tions associated with a Western diet”   1 ppm, both Roundup and glypho-  by glyphosate-Roundup in rat testis
          including infertility [4], although   sate decreased testosterone level by   cells around 36 ppm, could contrib-
          the precise mode of action, at least   35 %. These experiments expose a   ute to the reproductive effects ob-
          in the case of infertility, remains   major inadequacy in the regulatory   served in male agricultural workers
          unclear.                           regime, which still regards POEA   exposed to this pesticide at prepu-
                                             in Roundup as an inert adjuvant    bertal age.”
          Roundup more damaging              for which no risk assessment is
          than glyphosate                    required.                          Detailed mechanisms of
          There is already evidence that gly-                                   action identified
          phosate is an endocrine disrupting   A recent laboratory experiment   The team found that Roundup
          chemical (see later), but the extent   shows that Roundup has direct,   increases intracellular Ca2+ con-
          of the problem is far greater than   acute impacts on the mammalian   centration by opening L-type
          it appears. Different glyphosate   testis at levels of exposure orders   -voltage-dependent Ca2+ chan-
          formulations vary in toxicity, mainly   of magnitude below recommended   nels – thereby allowing Ca2+  to
          because some of them contain       agricultural concentrations.       enter the cells - as well as targeting
          adjuvants that are either toxic by                                    the endoplasmic reticulum IP3
          themselves, or else exert synergis-  Acute Roundup exposure at        (inositol triphosphate) and ryano-
          tic effects with glyphosate. It has   very low concentrations kills   dine receptors (both Ca2+ release
          long been known that Monsanto’s    cells in the immature testis       channels), leading to Ca2+ release
          formulation Roundup, the most      The Brazilian research team led    and overload within the cells, setting
          widely used glyphosate herbicide, is   by Ariane Zamoner at the Federal   off cell death. The mechanisms
          far more damaging than glyphosate   University of Santa Catarina in Flo-  involved were inferred from ex-
          itself (reviewed in [5] Ban GMOs   rianópolis, and Federal University of   periments with specific inhibitors
          Now, I-SIS special report).        Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre,   that cancelled out the effect of
                                             are well aware of the increased    Roundup as well as Ca2+ influx;
          Giles-Eric Séralini  and colleagues at   toxicity of Roundup compared with   and confirmed by the increase in
          University of Caen in France clearly   glyphosate, and were prompted to   radioactive tracer 45Ca2+ uptake by
          demonstrated that POEA (polye-     investigate the effects of Roundup   testis incubated with Roundup at 36
          thoxylated tallowamine, a major    by the high prevalence of reproduc-  ppm. These events were prevent-
          adjuvant surfactant in Roundup)    tive dysfunction among agricultural   ed by the antioxidants Trolox and
          alone was by far the most cytotoxic   workers occupationally exposed   ascorbic acid, which counteract the
          for several human cell types, at con-  to the herbicide.  They  looked at   reactive oxygen species (see below)
          centrations a hundredth to ten-thou-  concentrations of Roundup 2 to 3   responsible for the oxidative stress.
          sandth that of glyphosate itself and   orders of magnitude below the 10   Activated protein kinase C, phos-
          other formulations without POEA    000 to 20 000 ppm (10-20g/L) used   phatidylinositol 3-kinase, and the
          [6]. Another study from the same   in agriculture, which is quite realistic   mitogen-activated protein kinases

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